Approximate cost for filipino driver

Posted by aylyeung 16 yrs ago
Does anyone know the going rate for a filipino driver? Where will they usually stay?

Any recommendations?

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leightonhill 16 yrs ago
The laws say they must stay with you (live in). But like a lot of DHs in HK, a lot of drivers (probably most of them) live out. One reason is drivers are usually men and a lot of fmailies dont feel comfortable letting a male living in their house. The going rate is about $8000-9000 for a very experienced live out driver inclusive of all expenses.

I may be looking for one too soon!!!

I have a lady driver. I sponsored her to learn to drive loaning her for the lessons. At the same time, she also told me she needed money to build a house and i ended up loaning her almost $15k. The agreement i had with her required her to repay me only a nominal amount each month. The idea was she would then continue to work for me so that I get at least some of the benefits of sponsoring her lessons back before she would leave us. She's now worked as a driver for 2 yrs and she also help do some (but not all, I have another helper) household chores. I now pay her $6700. I think for a driver with only 2 yrs exp, this is not bad. But she keeps saying she's got offer of $8000. She's not leaving straight away I guess because she still owes me a lot of money. The problem is she now wants to live out. And it's costing close to $2k. I have a very big helper's quarter and so it is really unnecessary for her to stay out. Really unfair to ask me to subsidise her but her increased financial burden means she's now tempted to look elsewhere...

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meiji 16 yrs ago
no experience in HK, but drove in Phil- I have friends who are paying the minimum. However, you can guess, as soon as this driver gains ANY experience, and knows his roads better, he's leaving. Then gets about $ 4000-5000 after 1 year to 2 year.

Completed contract at least 2 years to 4 years in HK- $ 6000-$ 8000

Drivers with more than 6 years exp are asking at least $ 8000-9000.

Ours is over 10 years exp, we pay $ 10 000, including all his expenses.

Good luck.

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leightonhill 16 yrs ago
Quality of drivers with experience only in phil often needs complete retraining in hk. Mine was exactly that; with 10yr+ driving exp in Phil. Never saw roundabout before and safety attitude v different. Didn't really understand concept of the gearbox, etc.

She passed her hk test 2 yrs ago and now am giving her just under 7k. She's also doing some household chores though.

good luck!

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jennyt 16 yrs ago
Wow! mine is almost exactly the same, make me wonder whether this is my driver. Hence I pay mine only $5k now, with 2 yr hk driving exp and lots of phil exp (but trust me, that doesn't help!!!)

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aylyeung 16 yrs ago
Thanks for all the advice!

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twins-mama 16 yrs ago
I am looking for a lady DH who can also drive but where on earth do I find them? Most of the DH agencies I called say they don't have any lady drivers. Surely somewhere will specialise in them? Grateful for any tips. Thanks.

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abitnaive 16 yrs ago
hi twins-mama...have you considered hiring a couple? the wife could be your helper, the husband (also hired as a dh) could drive the kids around, maintain the house, etc? that is what we have done. if you want to know more, please send me a pm. i will tell you pros and cons.

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twins-mama 16 yrs ago
Hi Abitnaive - thanks for your suggestion. We currently have 2 DH's and it's a difficult enough decision having to terminate one in order to get a lady driver. I'm not sure we are brave enough to terminate both to replace with a husband and wife team since our kids are still young and they are quite attached to the helpers. Our current helpers' husbands cannot drive and are not in a position to move to HK anyway.

I'd be interested to know how much you pay your driver. We have found one lady driver but she's asking for HKD8000 "at least". Is this reasonable?

Thanks for your advice

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juliagaga 16 yrs ago
I am urgently looking for a lady live-in driver. Happy to pay HK$10K if she is really good. Anyone can help would be most appreciated.

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Moooi 15 yrs ago

I'm looking for a driver. Not sure male or female. Anyone know pros and cons for either? I want someone to drive my son to school and run errands for me and also do some childcare when my DH is on holiday Sundays. I heard it's illegal to hire a DH and have her drive - but I see lots of ads for this - does it mean she is to be hired as a driver (different form and process as a DH?). Thanks for any help. I'm new at this!

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axptguy38 15 yrs ago
The process is the same as hiring a DH but there is an extra bit. After hiring, you will have to apply for special permission from the Immigration Department for him/her to undertake driving duties. Note that he/she needs a valid HK driver's license.

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Moooi 15 yrs ago
Thanks axptgyu38. What if HKImmigration refuses permission? I would have hired for nothing - do they refuse often?

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Susie1 15 yrs ago
Hi have you thought about advertising for a local driver, maybe somebody who has retired from bus driving or similar? they would know the streets of HK very well. You could try contacting Smart living, which is HK gov own website for helpers they provide local trained helpers, full time, part-time and temporary, and all very legal, and ask if they provide scope for drivers. There should be some contact details on this site for you to enquire about drivers.

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axptguy38 15 yrs ago
I have never heard of them refusing. They might advise you to change the wording on the "duties" part a bit (there is a standard form).

Susie1, while local drivers are indeed convenient as they can drive you to work, they are more expensive (once you discount accommodation). They also have the issue of perhaps not working evenings and weekends. As for knowing the streets, any good driver with some initiative will learn that.

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mruser80 14 yrs ago
I thought hiring a Filipino as a driver was illegal unless he/she was a HK Permanent Resident. If the court issues were to follow the employer was going to be in a big problem.

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jojo_slu 12 yrs ago
I am a new driver like I don't have even one year experience..but prior to that, I secured hk driving license even before I got hired...I understand it is different from the Philippines as HK roads and rules are different but this is part of my learning...I have 6000HKD starting and increased to 7000 second month...this is stay out basis so I have to pay for my rent and food..fortunately I have my mom's place to stay with...

So, it doesnt matter whether you got 2 or more years of experience or not as long as the driver is sensible and smart enough to learn and hardworking. have a look on one driver who had 2 years contract...drove but minimal and even less routes, compare to less than a year experience but drove daily and many I think,it is fair enough to give a chance to others who don't have much years of working too..

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Moooi 11 yrs ago
Hi everyone, Is there a website or agency that specialises in Lady Drivers/Helpers? I see many new ones with 1-2 years driving experience. I think this market is exploding but the older ones are asking ridiculous salary of 13000 for live-out, more than men who have 10 years experience. And they are refusing to do any houseowork, so why pay more for a lady driver than a male driver when it is proven that men are better drivers in general (muscle coordination, spatial awareness, speed reflexes in emergency - all due probably to our cavemen DNA for hunting)...If anyone know of any website or agencies for lady drivers, pls list...would appreciate it very much! Thanks.

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MichAbd 9 yrs ago
Hi jojo_slu! How were you able to get a driver's license in hk? Are you a permanent resident? Im planning to get one myself.

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