Employing thai helper

Posted by maz27 16 yrs ago
A client of mine wants to hire a thai helper. I see from asiaxpat there are a few available to hire but I thought a friend of mine had to go through the thai consultate to find one (though this was some years ago). Can anyone point me in the right direction how you would go about hiring a thai helper. Is it possible to do a hire from thailand and if so are there any agencies they should use?

Appreciate any help here.

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apple79 16 yrs ago
Thailand maid are better and more obedient than Fiipinos? Excuse me miss but you're wrong. That depends on the individual.

okay since you're picking on us, Im a Filipina and my boss including lot of her familiy circle adores me for doing a good job. Thailand maids who come to work here are more likely uneducated. The exhelper of my friend's employer is a Thai and man, she still visit the family when the female boss in not around sporting a micro skirt and a showy blouse. She's flirting with the male boss of the house which was the reason why she was fired on the first place. There are a lot of stories about Thai helpers being flirt.

NICOLEMIYAZKI please be careful with your statement specially when pointing at filipino helpers because technically you're starting a war. Didn't you realize that? You should have read previous posts and notice that lots of Filipino are a members in here. Obviouslly you're a Thai.

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cc77 16 yrs ago
"Thailand maid are better and more obedient than Phillipino .. "

Well, it's your opinion, you have the right to say so.

Anyway, there are lots of obedient people in the world regardless of nationality. I would say, you cannot be sure of the person's character ( filipino or not) unless you hire one and let her live with you.

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maxis 16 yrs ago
Sometimes people consider "obedient" to mean:

"does whatever the hell I tell her, regardless of how unreasonable my deamand is, and doesn't even gently suggest that another way could be easier/more efficient, even when I am blatantly wrong or I have asked the ridiculous!"

Actually, that means quite scared of losing job, needs the money so badly, will work under unreasonable conditions (contrary to law if so required).

Note, in general (not always), the less educated someone is the more desparate and poorer they are,and easier to abuse.

No, not meaning physical abuse, but liberties taken by exepcting complete obendience in the face of unreasonable requests (because they are "obedient") is abuse.

Sure, more Philipina's are educated than Thai or Indonesian ladies, so more desperate, and likely to be obedient.

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maxis 16 yrs ago
Sometimes people consider "obedient" to mean:

"does whatever the hell I tell her, regardless of how unreasonable my deamand is, and doesn't even gently suggest that another way could be easier/more efficient, even when I am blatantly wrong or I have asked the ridiculous!"

Actually, that means quite scared of losing job, needs the money so badly, will work under unreasonable conditions (contrary to law if so required).

Note, in general (not always), the less educated someone is the more desparate and poorer they are,and easier to abuse.

No, not meaning physical abuse, but liberties taken by exepcting complete obendience in the face of unreasonable requests (because they are "obedient") is abuse.

Sure, more Philipina's are educated than Thai or Indonesian ladies, so more desperate, and likely to be obedient.

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thoms 16 yrs ago
I am looking for a Thai helper who can cook well, is hardworking and honest. Can anyone help?

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Maseratimartin 13 yrs ago
Now I'm sure I will not employ a Philipino as I do not want to start a war.

Looking for a thai helper...

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Peds 11 yrs ago
You guys dont even know how to correctly spell "Filipino". 😁

Starting a war? - isnt it too harsh? You ask someone to be careful on his/her statements while you yourself are not?

As cc77 said, everyone has their own opinion on everything. At the end of the day, your still what you are, helper or not, uneducated or not, obedient or not. Your comments simply reflect who you really are.

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