Nepalese Helpers?

Posted by RookieMom 16 yrs ago
Dear all,

A friend of mine is looking for Neapalese helpers, but we are having trouble finding them.

Can anyone direct us to an agency?

Thank you,


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lovetc 16 yrs ago
hi i know one lady they have agency if u want her no i will give you i also find one with her now my all paper work they r doing

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nicolei 16 yrs ago
i have found a lovely nepali helper and also an indian woman , both lovely but both trying to leave 'abusive' households where they are not getting paid minimum wage or given proper holidays etc ..the problem is that I think they will both have to leave HK if they terminate thier contracts and they/I would have to wait 6 weeks or so to get them visas , they would also have to incurr the costs of no pay and travel home whilst they wait , does anyone know a way around this or do any of you want to wait 6 weeks for a lovely helper with good refs .

nicole 6017 6805

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soulgirl 15 yrs ago
Any advice on nepalese agencies, looking for a nepalese helper.

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Susie1 15 yrs ago

This is 2 I found a couple of weeks ago, whilst browsing, there are also a few advertised in the Domestic help section of this forum,

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