How do you know that you are a good employer and a good helper?

Posted by Susie1 15 yrs ago
Hi Grytch,

From an employers point of veiw, remember that a lot of FDh's are employed by employers who also have to work to afford to employ a helper in the first place.

If my husband for example put forward some of the 'ideal requests', in your posting above, to his employers, he would be laughed at, if he asked his company for extra days off, or holiday bonus's they would say 'up yours mate", as an employee to his company he accepts what was offered when he took the job, the only bonus he gets is a one day company outing once a year, the rest of the holidays he has is what he is entitled to by the company, and they do not pay air fares, nor do we expect that, and we are happy with that.

In the workplace, yes it is essential to maintain good communication, but that is what it should be, and not encrouch in the private life.

As long as a helper is treated fairly, her room is comfortable, and she does her job well, small bonus's of appreciation might follow, if the employer can afford it.

Some helpers expect more, and use it as a bargaining tool to get "better" jobs and more pay than the basic wage, and they maybe not necessarilly the best to warrant that bargaining, plus if their demands grow, and thier work doesn't match these demands, they are more likely to be terminated, just as my husband would be if he started demanding more off his employers.

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kenwin 15 yrs ago

I'm with cara on this one. The style of writing is very different from the style you used in your previous thread, which led me also (as well as cara) to think you had 'lifted' it from somewhere else. However, as you so rightly point out, that's my opinion only. Are you categorically saying that it's all your own work? (BTW, you don't have to answer that.)

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kenwin 15 yrs ago
But having said that I do find this is a good question to consider.

How do I know I am a good employer (presumably of a helper)?

My guess would be that the helper's conditions of employment are set out clearly, I am fair and treat my helper with respect, and he/she is happy as a result.

And how do I know I am a good helper?

I guess because I am honest and trustworthy, I do my job to the best of my ability, I treat my employer with respect, and he/she is happy as a result.

A lot of guesses there - because I am neither. But I do have an opinion.

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Honkyblues 15 yrs ago
Dear Grytch

Cara is simply asking what the source of your above post is. Clearly the English is not your own. All your other posts are written with numerous spelling and grammatical errors (as would mine be if I was writing in my second language).

Likewise, your post directly above contains paragraphs that are lifted from, I assume, a website defining Plagiarism. Really, you should be putting those paragraphs in inverted commas, and yes, citing the website you have copied it from.

As to your initial question, it's impossible to know if you're a good employer or good employee. You might be able to guess you are a good employer if you retain your helper for many years, but perhaps she stays with you for the money and puts up with numerous abuses. Or maybe you're a great employer but your helper has to leave (for personal reasons perhaps); if she leaves before a contract is finished, people might assume you're not nice to work for - but that could be far from the truth.

And how do you know you're a good employee? Again, you can't know for certain. My helper is pretty good - but there are always things I'm dissatisfied with (eg, sullen moods, certain shows of ingratitude, etc), but I guess she thinks she's a great helper, because we give her lots of positive feedback, bonuses, pay rises, time off, autonomy, latitude etc. So maybe her sense of self-worth is higher than her actual worth? Who knows???

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Honkyblues 15 yrs ago
Cara, here's the source of Grytch's second post in this thread:

and here's the source of the definition of plagiarism:

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girlsoon 15 yrs ago
shame on you grytch. Pls stop creating a thread.


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Susie1 15 yrs ago
Yes grytch, things are becoming very boring, and in your case repetative, with your double and treble posts, your employer must be a Saint to employ you to do all this research on the computer.

Yes you have every right to your say, but please know when enough is enough,like the rest of us. Good night and God bless,

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axptguy38 15 yrs ago
Jazzzz. That only works if you assume that all helpers are equal, which they aren't. If you want to retain a good helper, you need to be a good employer. Also, if you are a good employer your helper is more likely to be motivated to perform.

Besides, there's the whole "decency" aspect...

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girlsoon 15 yrs ago
my gosh! she even blamed her keyboard for her wrong spelling and grammar.

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souffleQueen 15 yrs ago
Funny you asked for etiquette when you were so dismissive of Cara etc.

Read where you copied the definition of plagiarism. I cannot see what you posted earlier, but the fact that something was posted by you knowing full well it was written by someone else, your failure to give credit to the source/writer IS plagiarism.

FYI, I founded a writing group for migrant workers and have their writings published. Many of the articles did not meet my standard ( and the editor) but between the sub0standard original writings and the good "researched" ones, I definitely knows which one will make the cut. I often ask every contributor to respect intellectual property.

you can write, and do make sense in some of your posts. Just drop the attitude. "Acting" sheepish after Honkyblue posted the link and the excuses afterwards only resulted to you digging a deeper hole for yourself.

As to the question :

My employer is good because she allow us, her helpers to grow and does care and provide for us. On the other hand, at times she forgets that long hours and catering to dozens or so guests do make us tired. On a more personal level, she often wants me around and I'm on call even it's my holiday.

What makes me a good helper:

I love my work and takes pride in what I can do. I compete with myself, I want to do better than my current best --cooking wise-. Also, I am being paid for my services but the love, loyalty and devotion I have for my employer is for free. I work long hours when needed and when we travel I work 2-10 weeks straight without a holiday.

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