working sunday

Posted by purefit 15 yrs ago
If we will be gone all week, is it ok to ask the helper to work on a sunday when we return? I did so and she got really annoyed but i told her i'll be giving her the rest of the week off for a few hours of work on sundy if not the whole of sunday.

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Susie1 15 yrs ago
I would say it is quite a reasonable request to ask her to work Sunday, as long as she has been asked in advance, and in your case has had a week off. Helpers are entitled to one full day off per week, and I don't think rules specify whether it is Sunday or whatever.

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axptguy38 15 yrs ago
Agreed with Susie1. Sunday is just a convention, not a regulation. Then again perhaps she has plans.

Our helper works the occasional Sunday. She gets extra time off and overtime.

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