Laws for surveillance cameras?

Posted by hkwatcher 14 yrs ago
Does anyone on this forum know the rules/regs of where a camera can be placed to watch a DH? For example, is it within the law to put one in the bathroom? Apart from the mental picture this paints regarding the control of the employer to the employee, I really want to know from a LEGAL point of view if a camera can be put in the toilet area of a helper.

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souffleQueen 14 yrs ago
What??? Sorry but coprophilia perve was the first thing that came to mind.

Surveillance cam has been discussed many times before, and if I remember correctly it is allowed ( not sure about the legality) as long as the helper is informed that it is there BUT not in her bedroom or...*gasps!* in the toilet area.

I'm a helper, and for me, not having total privacy in my own bathroom is just too humiliating. No amount of money could ever make me work in one.

Is the world where (some) defines poverty by not having an IPhone or HDTV is losing Common sense and Trust too?

Sorry OP, but it would be interesting to know the Why.

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McAlpine 14 yrs ago
ha ha .. i love this forumn ... hkwatcher (interesting name given the theme here) , please enlighten us as to why you would want a camera in their bathroom?. I mean .. it was LEGAL for the US to invade Iraq but that doesnt make it correct or morally justified. Please help us all out here and explain WHY. I cant wait to hear.

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karma12 14 yrs ago
surveillance camera in bathroom? illegal for sure, although you need to monitor your helper from time to time but you need to respect her/him privacy.

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kenwin 14 yrs ago
To be fair to the OP he/she did not say he/she was interested in doing it for him/herself. I cannot imagine anyone posting such a question on this forum if he was thinking of doing it himself. But if he has heard if someone else who has already done it then posting here to determine the legality (forget the morality for a second or two) of such action would be conceivable. Perhaps he/she could have clarified that point at the outset.

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