how do i verify a helper was terminated

Posted by ranny 13 yrs ago
dear all,

what are the possible ways in knowing that a helper is really terminated? aisde from asking the helpers previous employer.

a friend is thinking of hiring a helper apparently did not show up for work because of unpaid salary.

the helper is saying he has been terminated verbally by his employer but doesnt know if his employer formally submit a termination letter to the

immigration. the helper did not sign any letter or has not receive any letter of termination.

the helpers unpaid salary issue was settled with the labour department. now since the employer realizes that if he is the one who terminates the helper without notice.... then he will pay additional wage in lieu of notice... now when the employer denies he is the one who terminates the helper.

tried calling the immigration but they said they do not disclose such inquiry.

can somebody help? any ideas.

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Susie1 13 yrs ago
The helpers former employer should have submitted a termination notice to the IMM within 7 days of the helper leaving his/her job,whether it was them terminating him, or he deciding to leave his job. If he had taken the former employers to the labour department this would have taken a long while, so it makes me wonder if he may be telling a few 'porkies' about his termination.

If he 'says' the unpaid salary has been settled by the labour dept, then why is he still in Hk, he would usually have to go to his home country within 2 weeks of leaving his former employer. Maybe he has outstayed his allowed time in Hk?

Can you not ask him for the contact details of the last employer, to get their side of the story, maybe he wasn't that honest, and that is why they got rid of him.

Too many employers just get rid of helpers who may be petty thieves or worse, without making a formal complaint to the correct authorities ie the police-or make a formal declartion to the IMM because it is easier,then these same helpers have the cheek to take employers to the labour dept, in a bid to stay in Hk longer, and screw as much money as they can out of employers for no just cause- and some get away with it, then lie their way into other jobs. Sounds like the helper got fired for some just cause, and didn't come back when they were told to, to collect the final pay!

Try and find out more, before you even consider employing this helper, there are a few more about who will be more honest about the story why they left the last job.

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WWcC 13 yrs ago Check out this website which can give answers on helpers previous employment and their reasons for terminations etc.

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souffleQueen 13 yrs ago
WWcC, isn't that invasion of the helper's privacy? What guarantee could you give to the helper that their personal information will not be disclosed without their consent?

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spurtio 13 yrs ago
WWcC. An interesting proposition. Have you used it?

SouffleQueen, a quick flick through the FAQs provides the answers:

Q. Is SureScreen legal?

A. Yes. SureScreen fully complies with the laws of Hong Kong, the Hong Kong Data Privacy Ordinance, and the laws of the Philippines.

Q. Is the SureScreen check done secretly without the helper’s knowledge?

A. No. The helper completes the simple application form to give consent to the check. Should a candidate refuse to have her details confirmed by an impartial third party then the employer can take this into consideration as appropriate.

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HKM3 13 yrs ago
I very much hope that this service exists the next time I need to hire.

With regards to the helper's personal information being disclosed, if there is nothing to hide, then there should be nothing to fear. This reference check is not much different than a reference check any employee needs to undergo before joining a corporation.

Further, as an employer - what protection do I have from my helper disclosing my personal information across Facebook? I already know all of the helpers in the building gossip amongst each other about the other employers (telling some pretty tall tales, I might add)!

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