New DH's passport will expire in 9 months

Posted by NuinHK 12 yrs ago
After searching high and low, we finally found a Philpino candidate who seems to be pretty solid in most aspects. We would like to make an offer to her on Sunday (tomorrow). The only caveat is that her passport has only 9 months left. The question is: would that be a problem for HKID to issue her a visa? Would she be able to renew her passport in HK without having to return to the Philippines?

Pls kindly share your experience if you have found yourself in a similar situation. Cheers.

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lacmacajc 12 yrs ago
There's no problem with that you can still hire her but the immigration will just put or stamp in her passport that she can stay depending on the expiration of her passport then if she finest renew or get new passport just bring the old passport and new passport and contract to immigration then the immigration put the stamp in a new passport that she can stay for 2 years like the one written in a contract. you need to pay 160 for that. And about renewing a passport here in hongkong without going back to Phil's? Yes she can renew her passport here if she is filipina in Phil consulate it takes 1 month to renew a passport. It happened to me before and that's what I do.

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