What to do now?

Posted by punter 12 yrs ago
You made your bed, now you got to sleep in it.

If you look for a new employer, are they going to bear the burden of expenses in hiring you and you're going to stay with them for only a few months? That's going to be unfair to them.

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zackchak 12 yrs ago
She is asking for a resignation letter because after months of being lied to by both you and the agent, you RESIGNED. Now you're shocked because the employer is not prepared to pay for two helper's salaries. You actually thought your employer would keep paying your salary until YOU wanted to leave. Now you are thinking of duping another employer into signing a contract that you have no intention of honoring. Yes "You made your bed, now you got to sleep in it"

And in your words your previous employer paid the correct salary, was fair and understanding but not generous...

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lagrue 12 yrs ago
Prince emar I see your dilemma, but you also need to think about it from her point of view too. She can't keep you until November because she may not be able to find a helper that is able to start then that meets her needs. Also you can't really expect her to pay two helpers until November when you decide to leave. I don't know her financial situation but she may not be able to afford it and even if she could afford it, it still is wasteful if she doesn't need two helpers.

You told her you might stay 2-3 months to process the papers, but did you say that you were committed to finishing out your contract with her? For her she is in an impossible situation, 3-4 months may become 1-2 months and then what will she do if you decide to leave early?

I think you have done the right thing by her family and satisfied your own conscience and that is a great thing. You are now onto newer, perhaps better, opportunities but with that entails risk which can not be borne by your current employer. It must be borne by you.

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evildeeds 12 yrs ago
Have to agree. And Canadian agencies, run by Canadians, are just a dodgy as the agencies here. We supported our last helper all the way through her application to go to Canada. When the time came we received her months notice. Then the agency in Canada told her she must arrive in Canada within a week or lose her place. So suddenly we were in the "sh**" as we had no one else in place.

I called the agency in Canada and let loose, they were more than aware of HK employment law but choose to ignore it. I even spoke to her new employer, a doctor, who had the gall to ask why I couldn't put my kids in child care here! In the end we let her go but I had to put my business on hold because of this and the loss was horrendous. If I have a helper who wants to go to Canada again I would let them go as the last situation was disastrous for us, wasn't my helpers fault but these agencies wherever they are in the world are no better than each other and will cause problems.

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