how to get evidence

Posted by salsegirl 11 yrs ago
If you doubt your helper is working for others without letting you know. what should employer do in such situation? how to get evidence of helpers misconduct or advertising herself free for other work without telling employer?


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asiaXdreamy 11 yrs ago
When? How?

Why did you suspect?

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salsegirl 11 yrs ago
one of my friend ask me if she can hire her for part time. she told me helper said she can do PT, thats how i know

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asiaXdreamy 11 yrs ago
Replied to u by message

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RevJim 11 yrs ago
Tioga you wrote "isn't it true that they are over here to earn salaries that would make Drs in their home countries blush in embarrassment?" This is absolutely not true. A helper earns slightly more than what a call center employee earns while working over twice the hours of a call center employee. The wage is not even close to what a professional makes in their home countries.

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asiaXdreamy 11 yrs ago
There are multiple message provoking the pen fights andcreating tension amongst each other and this reply is certainly not related tothe topic. Albeit the fact, if your statement is true. Whynot pick a call center or more decent job by that employee?Pls respect the other readers by not sharing yourown sentiment.

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RevJim 11 yrs ago
AsiaXDreamy,I know what call center employees make in the Philippines because I work with outsourcing companies there. The reason OFW's do not take jobs there is that they are not widely available. There are many people with college educations in the country that cannot find employment due to the competitive job markets. Many OFW's here in Hong Kong take the positions because it is the career they choose. Many have spent money on certification and education to be caregivers as well as in other fields.I replied to a woman who implied that OFW's should feel privileged because they make salaries that would make doctors in their home countries blush. Don;t kid yourselves. The pittance you pay domestic helpers and caregivers is nowhere close to a professionals salary in their home countries. It is not they that are lucky to have you, but it is you who are lucky to have them.You also asked me to respect the reader by not sharing my own sentiment while expressing your own. Are you somehow exempt from your own advice? Keep in mind the only reason I am posting now is in response to your own question and sentiment.

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asiaXdreamy 11 yrs ago

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asiaXdreamy 11 yrs ago
Thanks for generalizing why the job relationship emerged here , based on "mutual" needs. Both of them are lucky matches.Yes, I have sentiment on high sounding advice that ultimately create a greater tension.Really interesting that in another newer thread created by your advocating the very good suggestion to have the helper trained and their rights. If so well trained prior to attending the position like we do, I do believe that we should pay above the requirement to appreciate their efforts and qualification.I have a 16-year helper almost can be called my life companion , well paid. ( details sent to your inbox)Just cannot keep silence seeing people from particular field to address particular wants without an objective conclusion.

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RevJim 11 yrs ago
Thank you for your compliment on the thread I created. I believe you did miss part of my point. Domestic Helpers come to Hong Kong with no training. The idea is to manage and train a helper. Any company will train entry level employees and increase their salaries as their skill level increases. Many people tend to try to train helpers as if they are children which is unprofessional and not effective. A lot of frustration could be avoided by applying good management principles to managing helpers.

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asiaXdreamy 11 yrs ago
Checked again with agents and authorities for more background.Domestic Helpers come to Hong Kong with no training? Isn't some government, like the Filipino government imposed certain kind of training fee/cost on that worker to be exported to another country as domestic helper prior to their departure? Money paid with no training?And it may not be appropriate to compare helper with company employees as every job has its own unique nature and skill sets required.Company will train entry level employees and increase their salaries as their skill level increases. Yes, it is a kind of human resource investment for better loyalty ( as that entry level employees may take it as lifelong career) and higher productivity. Before applying the job, usually that entry level employee should already gained relevant experience from the same field and some kind of qualification before getting the job rather than come in bare hand for being trained. This is the cruelty in the commercial market.Yes, it is a need to train your employee. Pls do not expect your helper will be the genie to make all your wishes come true unless you have clearly briefed, trained, monitored and mentored under proper management.To be fair, to comment on both sides...Many people tend to try to train helpers as if they are children which is unprofessional and not effective. Many people tend to try to treat employers as if they are dumb which is unprofessional and unholy. Yes, a lot of frustration could be avoided by applying good management principles to managing helpers.

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RevJim 11 yrs ago
The requirements for training of Domestic Helpers would fall on the Hong Kong government not the home nation of the worker. Hong Kong would dictate what certifications or training were required and agencies is the Philippines would then recruit qualified candidates. The current training done by agencies is designed to help the worker get employment, not perform their duties.Why would it not be appropriate to compare a helper to any other employee? Basic management principles apply to all people. Although professionals are required to obtain an education entry level laborers generally are not. They are trained on the job.There is always a small number of people in any career that are misfits. Domestic helpers are not an exception. Some helpers will not have the ability to perform their duties; however, most will perform according to how they are managed.A well managed and trained helper will provide harmony is the home and be the envy or your friends and guests.

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asiaXdreamy 11 yrs ago
Get the employment but for duties..understood.It is tragic that money goes to blackhole for both helpers and employers paid commission to middlemen who state the charged items so.For the comparison, readers can judge the appropriateness on their minds and let's stop pen talking on same points again.we do share the same value that helpers needed to managed, trained, mentor and monitor for better communcation and aviod misunderstanding.

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asiaXdreamy 11 yrs ago
Thanks for the reply revealing more family background and interests so that the readers might want to know about and how the opinions are formed.Although critising the rationales to find the truth, actually, from the bottom of my mind I understanding helpers from other places are great and the occupation is holy, with sacrifice and dedication to their families. They suffer from boredom and being lonely away from their families just to earn money to support their families as some of them have elder family members to take care and children born at helper younger age. It is a great and decent job. They are not underclass in Hongkong. People look down themselves with lower self esteem because of how to view the matters through a different len from a different angle.However, only rely on the employer side to treat them better is not the only way out. We should align both sides' expectation by advocating them to be better emoloyers and better employees. We cannot neglect the facts that there are nasty ones on both sides. That create the tension over the media and rumours against each other with mutual mistrust.Salary level of foreign domestic helpers or caregivers in every country has their own clusters of consideration factors including the sustainability of their own residents, not only their citizens. Land price upsurge here would be a main hinderance to all other labour wage, not only helpers. You may say that if the employers cannot afford higher salary then please don't hire one, then this may result with many job opportunities shrinked for the helpers to get a comparatively better job to that could be found in their home countries. Not to mention that the wage here is actually the highest amongst other Asian countries. Of course, there are better countries in monetary terms but there are restrictions there too. Not totally comparable.However, don't get me wrong , my understanding is as follows.Helpers are contributing locals and expat families like us. They are great, most of them are kind mothers supporting the livelihood of their families(because of the relatively poorer evironment or government policies in home countries, not the fault of hiring country).They should be better paid if they are worthy for, and treated like human and like a family member. Both sides have the responsibilities to pave mutual trust.Do not abuse the kindness of the opposite side. We should educate employers for better managementand also employees for expectation alignment.All in all, helpers are good. If not, don't need to hire.

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RevJim 11 yrs ago
I am mostly in agreement with you except on one point. Helpers are an underclass and you can see evidence of it in most public places. I am a foreigner as well and I can see a very significant difference in how the Chinese treat me and other Western people in public versus how helpers are treated. It is ver easy to observe the difference in the treatment of Western residents and Filipinas. All one has to do is ride a train or bus or go to a restaurant on Sunday. For a more obvious example all one has to do is observe how Filipinas are spoken to at immigration. I have never been treated the way I see helpers treated in this city.

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Greene King 11 yrs ago
Fact is most Filipinas or Indonesians in HK are FDH - FDH
are considered to be in an unskilled job (based on Hong Kong Immigration visa/job requirements
hence the lower skills/academic requirements for a FDH visa). Like
it or not society everywhere looks down on those who are considered 'lower

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