Canadian Visa for DH

Posted by Havefaith 10 yrs ago
The Canadian Consulate used to be in Exchange Square and now hasmoved.Is it just the passport office of the consulate that has moved? Or isitalso the visa office of the consulate that has moved to QuarryBay? Thanks.

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asiaXdreamy 10 yrs ago
it is very difficult to apply visa for DH recently...

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housed 10 yrs ago
TheImmigration section (including visa) of the Canadian Consulate has moved to Quarry Bay. The exact address is: 9th floor, Berkshire House, 25 Westlands Road, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong

However, visas (visitor, study, work, transit) are now processed through the Visa Application Centre (VAC) which is located in Wanchai. Their address is: Room 706-08, 7F, Asia Orient Tower, Town Place, 33 Lockhart Road. Website:

Alternatively, you can alsodo visa applicationsonline:

More info about this can be found here:

Are you just applying for a visitor visa for a domestic helper to accompany you on holiday in Canada? If so, I don't believe the process is that complicated. (If on the other hand, you are looking to employ a domestic helper in Canada - the Live-in Caregiver Program - then, yes the process is lengthy and more difficult.)

Good luck!

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wsww2555 10 yrs ago
Thanks, HOUSED. The info is helpful. Are you familiar with the process for the application for hiring DH in Hong Kong to work as Canadian foreign caregiver? I know it's getting more difficult but possible. I have a potential candidate in Hong Kong with the required qualification. I wonder how long it will take to be approved by Canada Immigration if you know. I'm planning to sponsor a DH to work for my elderly mother in Canada who is a Canadian citizen. Thanks.

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asiaXdreamy 10 yrs ago

If you really a Canadian you should know the procedure or you can find an agency which may lead you do the lengthy process.

The information is obtainable if you live there with the locals.

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Lorie11 10 yrs ago
Im currently working here in hk as a domestic helper and i have a friend in canada who invite me to visit me there,but the main question is it possible for me to get a visitors visa in canada which is my friend send me an invitation letter for me and also he will shoulder all my expenses like my plane ticket my accomadation when im get there in canada?.he's a canadian actually.and i read that one of the requirements is to have a letter of absence for my employer?what if they dont give me that letter of absence?hope that you can give me an advice about this matter.thank you ver much.

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asiaXdreamy 10 yrs ago
As long as there is genuine proof to disprove that one entering Canada is not for illegal work or migration, the scrutiny by the authority would pass.

Follow the steps given by the authorities with required paper work if the case is of genuine need and paper proof.

With the adverse record observed on the visa issuing country, the country would impose stringent control from now and then and this is just the normal mechanism to protect their own citizen and welfare.

Normally a visitor who can pay on their own rather than being sponsored would have higher credit, same applied to USA. The inability to pay on even the inbound flight trip would render more consideration on whether one can exit the country at their own expense... or is there any intention to go out?

For the letter from employer, of course you have to obtain consent from your employer as you are doing job here and under an agreed term with tenure to be completed. Personal journey is not a main reason for releasing you to enjoy the trip which is spending the contracted time for your own journey. In some countries, foreign domestic helpers just cannot leave the country without good reason or considered terminated if so.

If you have the plan to go, maybe at the time between the contracts ( i.e. finished the contract or any not working period as travelers.

After all, you are hired to help and someone needs your help so the relationship existed.

Nowadays, many young girls would think "what if they don't give me that letter of absence?" and if not that means the employer is not good or kind enough. They don't think about why they need to be here at that period in the first place.

If you wanna do job hunting at the cost of current employer, then you have to truly reveal for understanding.

Be considerate, reasonable, and responsible.

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