
Posted by dgp 10 yrs ago
I am going to Phnom Penh with my wife next month
any suggestions on tours etc and any other information that maybe helpful
thank you

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scorpio01 10 yrs ago
Toul Sleng museum

Killing fields

kings palace, silver floored pagoda

hotels are cheap, just beware of taxi driver and tuk tuks over charging you.

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dgp 10 yrs ago
thanks scorpio for your comments appreciated
i already booked a hotel the harmony looks ok and in a decent area close to everything did you ever take any paid tours while you were their ??

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scorpio01 10 yrs ago
no, i had friends who took me around.. only had to use tuk tuk a few times and bargained with them..

and keep USD change.. like notes of 1, 5 10 everyone accepts USD there

BTW at Toul Sleng museum you may still find an old man by the name of Bou Meng, he was one of the handful of survivors of the S-6 prison, do take pics with him (if he is still around).

He got a small counter and sell a very crudely written and printed book for 10 USD ...

PP have only a few places to offer, if you are OK to travel then take a tour for places outside PP.

if u need any local help then do ask me, i will pass you my friends phone number in PP, they should be able to help you if need.

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dgp 10 yrs ago
be good too have a contact their thanks
i arrive in may 2nd am leave may 5th pm just four days
thanks again

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