Helper contract renewal and salary increase

Posted by Donut1 10 yrs ago
Hi all, I have had my helper for 6 years now and have just renewed her contract. I have always paid above min. and given an extra month's salary as a bonus at Xmas. She lives in with us, shares our food (as opposed to food allowance), is given weekly octopus money etc so basically could save all her salary if she wanted. Just wondering what everyone else does with regard to salary increases? There is an expectation of a raise with each contract renewal. I have offered 5% but my sense is that she wants more? Thanks.

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asiaXdreamy 10 yrs ago
Everybody wants more, consider your own salary situation.

The point is, is it worth or aligned with job market pay trend.

Do more, pay more. Do basic, receive basic.

If worth appreciate, do it. Not to over pay and abusing the kindness of employer like you as you so explained.

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Donut1 10 yrs ago
Thanks asiaxdreamy, you are right of course. Just want to strike the right balance :-)

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