Is there age restrictions for FDH in HK

Posted by israr 10 yrs ago
Hi, I have a question. Is there age restriction for domestic helper in HK.
My helper is now 68 years but she is fine to continue to work with me.
She has been working with me for past 4 years.
Thanks to reply me soon. Here visa expire next month.

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bloomfieldtj 10 yrs ago
There is no mandatory retirement age for FDH in Hong Kong. However, the problem you need to check is your insurance as a lot of companies will not insure helpers over the age of 65. You MUST have Employees' Compensation Insurance (ECI). This is mandatory, and consequences for not having it are severe if the Labour Department find out. However, Health Insurance for your FDH is optional, as they are entitled to use the public system.

If you can at least get ECI, then you're OK to continue to employ her.

My helper is the same age as yours!

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israr 10 yrs ago
Thank you sir. I am thinking the same problem of insurance. Do you know any company who provide insurance to old age helper. Thanks again.

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bloomfieldtj 10 yrs ago
Try Wing Lung Insurance.

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