Inquiries for child support

Posted by MissPerry09 10 yrs ago
Hi! Good Day!

I just want to ask if any of you here have an Idea of asking child support for a baby in HK?

Im a mommy to a 9 months old baby girl. We lived in philippines right now since her father didnt make his promised to bring us to HK and applied for dependents visa.He is a resident in HK. Natural born Hongkongese.. Now our relationship have gone bad and in rough waters ,all of a sudden he changed. No calls no text, im blocked and his child support stopped. I will understand the behaviour but Im hoping he will not let our daughter get into our messy relationship. Afterall its his child. I am working now, but I think the child support from him is my baby's right and right now I will admit that his child support matters. I accept that he can be the husband im hoping him to be but atleast he would be a father to his baby.

Sorry for the slight rant guys. Im really depressed and im in comolete turmoil.

Any help and suggestion is higly appreciated.

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steveben 9 yrs ago
Sadly for you Miss Perry you will need to engage the services of a solicitor to try and resolve this matter for you

Good luck

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