How big an impact does your helper have on your life?

Posted by mark.hanrahan 10 yrs ago
I'm a reporter working on a story for the International Business Times about expats in Hong Kong. I'd like to speak to people who are HK expats with domestic helpers - to find out how big an impact having live-in help is for you - would you want to stay here to take advantage of it, seeing as its so uncommon in the U.S./Europe/Aus etc.

Let me know what you think! If you would rather chat in privacy - you can reach me at

Hope to hear from you soon!

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Greene King 10 yrs ago

As no one has replied to you using this forum let me kick this off by saying most expats here have no family support in town ie parents, grandparents, siblings etc. For many who have kids a FDH therefore becomes more important, and in some cases a necessity especially if both parents work (taking kids to school or picking them up, looking after them during school hols etc). I should add that in my experience HK employers are less flexible than those in US/Europe/Aus when it comes to working arrangements being made to accommodate employees with kids.

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mrcynic 10 yrs ago
My posting name will give some insight to my nature, but why do you use a gmail account rather than one from the IBT?

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asiaXdreamy 9 yrs ago
Might be fake. Need verification.

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hkwatcher 9 yrs ago
Far from fake asixdreamy

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asiaXdreamy 9 yrs ago
Read already and this.guy has no response and not using company email.

Check by yourself.

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asiaXdreamy 9 yrs ago
Could it be using the same name ? Think

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Greene King 9 yrs ago
Also somewhat limited reporting, not many views from either employees, employers, NGO or FDH governments ie not a very well researched article, below PhD level for sure, typical MSM.

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hkwatcher 9 yrs ago
Let me get this straight. Because this journalist does not use some type of "professional" email you have written him off as a fake? This is written for international business for heaven's sake. it is not some sort of in depth analysis of the current deplorable way domestic helpers are treated around the world. You are too critical. Get over yourselves.....unless you are fake and just want to cause trouble by posting accusations

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asiaXdreamy 9 yrs ago
The article is "really" posted.

But how can you judge the relevance of other things out of the article?

Currently even the public authorities reiterated that someone would "role play" by dailing to innocent residents here. Publication and education are reinforced recently and many other genuine news articles with traceable sources had reported such new type of deception modus operandi.

We talk factual and raise inquiry to alert real expat reading here and would like to talk for the benefit of all readers here rather than protecting one-sided / minority of readers.

A responsible "Watcher "should look broadly rather than only caring for welfare issue for one side

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dgp 9 yrs ago
Too many critics on here and judge a person before they no the truth
i agree with hkwatcher

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dgp 9 yrs ago
and mr/mrs/miss greene king not every one has to have PHD to write an article

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asiaXdreamy 9 yrs ago
Welcome back DGP

Similarly, if you are also writer as so deemed , pls let us have a look of your masterpiece , we are keeen to learn

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dgp 9 yrs ago
asiaxdreamy who said i was a writer making a comment the same as you are
very sarcastic you are

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Greene King 9 yrs ago
You are of course correct,a PhD is not a necessary requirement to write a soundly researched and thorough article however I do believe a post graduate degree, particularly in a related subject matter, is beneficial of course you may not agree but each to their own. In this instance I was looking forward to an in-depth article IMHO as is it is somewhat basic and tabloid like in nature rather than the more academic thesis I was expecting - OK I put my hand up, my fault I guess.

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asiaXdreamy 9 yrs ago
Oh..are u DGP ....are u posting a thread "maids in hong kong", claiming that you were writing something about this?

Maybe not only English proficiency was being challenged as in that post
Maybe the ultimate cause is poor memory, poor logic but not only poor English problem.

Readers may refer this post

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asiaXdreamy 9 yrs ago

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dgp 9 yrs ago
My proficiency in english is fine
what my previous post has to do with this one i have not got a clue
I did finish and write it not that it has any thing to do with you.

You are a very arrogant and sarcastic person.
Your comments are not always correct.
You think they are but they are not

My memory is fine as is my logic

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asiaXdreamy 9 yrs ago
You wrote...." who said i was a writer"

I just quoted again you did in your previous post claiming that you would write a book on similar topic , with your good proficiency of English demonstated and many backfires in echo with your stance , I would like to invite all readers with eyes and brains to go through such interesting dialogues.

Keep talking junk , the wise will see the truth

Yes, i doubt very much, you are a genuine writer or not in the expat scope but wanna draw attention to your agenda in your current position

Following what you said, give us some proof of your masterpiece.

Enough for refreshing your short term memory?

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asiaXdreamy 9 yrs ago

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hkwatcher 9 yrs ago
asia X dreamy you are living in La LA land!!! You yourself have posted some rather inflammatory things on this forum and flamed others for their comments. Your name is on the majority of all the responses on this particular forum. It seems you have something to prove. Ask yourself this rather than go after someone else. "What is so important that I must comment on every thread?"
You said,
But how can you judge the relevance of other things out of the article?
I ask you What are you talking about??

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asiaXdreamy 9 yrs ago
"But how can you judge the relevance of other things out of the article? "

That means = Before you made a comment, how could you confirm that this post is from the one who wrote that article. But you pinpointed the other persons who have question about the writer, and writer's stance, before you have got confirmation of the identity so claimed.

I am active reader here and not the silenced one, have the right to reveal multi-sided view rather than those who want to express agenda with unknown intent.

We are here to create harmony among sides, not to widen the gap.

To certain irresponsible writers, we will continue to ask , to ask for proof, and clarify the rationales.

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dgp 9 yrs ago
what are you taking about i can see that you have nothing better to do than be an avid reader here
i am not a silent person myself.
you are willing to judge the person in this article and that i do not agree with at all just because he does not have a business email ridiculous
also no one has too prove any thing to you or anyone else here.

i am entitled to my opinion the same as you are.
i also agree with what hkwatcher has said about you

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asiaXdreamy 9 yrs ago
I contacted directly with no response previously. Now finding way to verify.

For your information.

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asiaXdreamy 9 yrs ago
Needless to avoid.

Pls talk about the book you so claimed. We are interested to know.

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asiaXdreamy 9 yrs ago

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dgp 9 yrs ago
You are no one else is

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dgp 9 yrs ago
my post has nothing to with the post i was commenting about
so why do you not just mind your own business instead of commenting on every forum here like i said it seems you have nothing better to do with your time well i am sorry but i do
and it was months ago any way and has already been completed.

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dgp 9 yrs ago
sorry to say this you are becoming a pain the ass so go find some else to bother
not just to me

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asiaXdreamy 9 yrs ago
There are people in this forum talking about DH,

Majority of interested groups would be :

The employers,
The employees,
The business agencies or "interested" parties.

(of course there will be merely readers have concern on this topic).

From the stance, we can sense the hidden agenda.
From the stated logic, we can see whether it sounds reasonable.

People expressing "agree" to my statement doesn't mean the truth.
The truth lies inside our hearts, rather than our mouths.
The more you argue, the clearer you have revealed.

Be happy, less grudge towards the life, enjoy, appreciate, you will have value-added by yourself everyday, not matter what profession you are serving.

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hkwatcher 9 yrs ago

The truth lies inside our hearts, rather than our mouths.

This sentence is it carefully
No wonder I have a hard time understanding where you are coming from in your comments.

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asiaXdreamy 9 yrs ago
Thanks for your manner, as in this thread and now.

If completed, really want to share your "joy" in writing on that topic with the methodology and selected views as cited in your own thread. The articles should be very objective according to the writer....if there is such a book....

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asiaXdreamy 9 yrs ago
Truth lies within ourselves.

Another phrasing.

Same feeling when I read through this....

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asiaXdreamy 9 yrs ago
Please don't stop arguing if you think you are so right and I am so wrong.

I appreciate exchange of views rather than spiting with foul tongue to those people not of the same view.

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asiaXdreamy 9 yrs ago
Oh... mayday ,mayday....

The original creator of this thread is deleting his own original post as the interesting proof....

Luckily there is cache over the internet.

Truth lies within ourselves.


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mark.hanrahan 9 yrs ago
Hi Guys,

Goodness! I've been away for a few days - and didn't get a chance to look at this thread - quite the debate about my veracity. Apologies for the delay in getting back to you.

You can reach me at if you'd like to verify my credentials. My official work account receives hundreds of emails per day, so I used my personal account, to avoid the clutter, sorry if that's raised some suspicions!

You can see my archive of stories here:

I write about U.S. and world affairs but also focus on original Hong Kong and Macau content.

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hkwatcher 9 yrs ago
Oh my goodness THANK YOU for writing this!
I hope it puts an end to this ridiculous thread.

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dgp 9 yrs ago
I agree with you ridiculous is an understatement
some people need there head examined

and asiadream i can delete anything that i want does not mean anything my business my thread
you are an asshole hate to say that but you are

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asiaXdreamy 9 yrs ago
Thanks for the reply upon the request of seeking information 20 days ago.

The whole incident arose from the timing of reply and the use of just gmail in the heat of deception cases here

Nevertheless , DGP also claimed to be a writer of a book, and withdraw the article for no point

Logic. The reader will get.

Thank Mark for we may end verifying, some people in my office will approach you for further information.

Thank DGP and HKwatcher in revealing the line of logic in another angle and excellent choices of words.

Anyway , happy ending now

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maxis 9 yrs ago

this thread is so dumb.

so obvious the journalist was genuine, and has kindly publicly identified himself .

I wonder if those saying he was phoney will be brave enough to do the same......

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asiaXdreamy 9 yrs ago

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