Outgoing 3-year old bombs school interview

Posted by JHP 9 yrs ago
Hi Everyone,

Any advice? I'm an expat; husband is a local. One of our sons is very social, outgoing, handsome, funny, sensitive, curious, creative - all the good stuff. Every parent believes his/her own child is golden, but teachers and peers have always commented on his communicative abilities and charm. He can talk to anyone. He is just sort of a natural-born leader.

HOWEVER, we were thrown for a loop this morning when the school interview today was filled with tears, a verbal shut-down, physical withdrawal (no eye-contact, poor body language, etc), and telling untruths such about very basic details which he definitely knows and usually discusses with confidence. In short, he was totally not himself and clearly filled with genuine anxiety. He told me he didn't like the school. Once we left, he was back to his sunshiny-self for the day. It is a very good school, but he told me he didn't like it.

My husband and I are a bit shocked because it is important to find a school and he seemed to become a completely different person while at the interview. I'm not upset with him, but obviously the system here interviews very young children and we need to overcome this hurdle at some point. He is genuinely a very bright and perhaps gifted kid in some respects, but shut-down today.

I know poor guy is just 3, but any advice?

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VPauls 9 yrs ago
Did you guys ask him why he didn't like the school?

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asiaXdreamy 9 yrs ago
Kids would have a certain era of self-awareness , and be shy when stepping out of their "territories" . Just openly encourage them and observe the points they are worrying about, suddenly you will get the key to open their little mind.


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