New rulings for renting out third party FDHs

Posted by rentyourmaid 9 yrs ago
New alleged rulings by a number of Hong Kong High Court judges in the case of mentally protected Part II court wards now allow payments from their estates for up to 5 of third party foreign domestic helpers.

This has resulted in millions of dollars in fees and payments. The chairman of Rentyourmaid announced on November 19th 2015 that: "We have finished our reporting for the year ending October 2015 and for our shareholders it has been another stellar year. Rentyourmaid had net profits of 3 million Hong Kong Dollars on revenue of just over 5.5 million Hong Kong Dollars".

Lately, there has been a growing trend for persons going on holiday or retirees and persons not even domiciled in Hong Kong to supplement their income. A client writes: "Thank you for helping us with some additional income. We were in Europe for a month visiting our children and were pleasantly surprised to receive a check for 37,000 Hong Kong Dollars for the use of our maids whilst we were away. I am glad that our Maids weren't just sitting at our home having a vacation at our expense".

Being domiciled in Singapore and having still a permanent residence in Hong Kong I emailed them at for information as to which rulings they were referring, how the process worked etc, and although slow, I found their answers helpful, transparent and detailed.

Will give it a go and tell you how it works out later.

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