Helper Problems

Posted by dannyboy77 9 yrs ago
Dear All,

I recently hired a new helper from Indonesia. She was the sister of our old helper so I didn't use an agency to find her.

I contacted an agency and agreed a flat fee of $7500 to process her visa and bring her to HK. My helper approached me yesterday saying that she has been charged $14k by an agency in Indonesia who are now chasing her for payment in HK (she showed me the credit agency demand).

This feels totally unfair as I found the helper and agreed a fixed price with the agent. I'm sure my helper was duped into agreeing to this "charge". Anyone have any advice.


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Ed 9 yrs ago
The helpers have no choice -- they have to pay this --- I was told by an agency that the consulate requires 'special payments' or they will not process papers...

The HK government is aware of this but chooses to do nothing about it.

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sunshine929 9 yrs ago
It is common and a well known fact that the helper will be charged around $14K from the agent in indonesia. This is because the girls go to the agency training centres where they train, sleep, are fed, taught cantonese etc. whilst they wait for an employment contract. I have been told this by my helper. She says that the girls stay there for several months and are provided free board and food and they have to help out clean, cook etc. That is why they are charged this amount.

So this info will not come as a shock to your new helper.

I am afraid that your helper is most likely trying to pull a fast one over you, so be careful.

Yes, there is a credit agency demand note. What happens is that you pay your maid her full salary, then she has to pay the credit agency back each month usually its spread over 6-8 months.
This is nothing NEW. All the helpers know it. You can say that they are being ripped off at the indonesian end, but from their side they feed all these girls and house them, so they need to recoup their losses.

BTW, everyone says "sister." but it's not.

I think that you are an expat, and that your helper is trying to play you to pay this for her. She knew full well before she came that she would be charged an agency fee.
I suggest that you get the credit agency demand note and phone them up.

I had a helper who quit and I received the credit demand note.When I phoned them up to tell them that she quit, she said that they had been informed. No hassle. No red paint on door.

You have the HK agency fee you paid for processing.
The $14K is nothing to do with hong kong, it is to do with the agencies that fed her at their "cultural centre" is what my maid tells me. The longer the maid is sitting waiting for a job, the longer her bill.

Don't be a victim. Your maid knows exactly what it is about.

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sunshine929 9 yrs ago
Also, get a copy of this demand note and show it to your agency in Hong Kong and let them handle it.

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sunshine929 9 yrs ago
My helper lets me know what really goes on.

Did you know that all helpers know that they can quit 3 times in a row so they will sign on with you, quit etc. and as a stepping stone to a job they like.

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imark 9 yrs ago
if the above message is true and she is playing you for a fool, then id be getting rid of her anyway. There are plenty of great trustworthy helpers out there. I volunteer with them so know quite a few.

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asiaXdreamy 9 yrs ago
Now when a helper jumps/ quits suspiciously even for the 1st time, the employer can file the noticed points to Immigration Domestic Helper Section for filing into their personal file . Such factors would be seriously considered for their onwards application and future reference for whatever immigration / visa purpose and fulfilling their international obligation for better control against doubtful entities.

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asiaXdreamy 9 yrs ago
Just for suspicious abuse ones.

Reasonable men can see the difference.

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