Advice on DH's work record

Posted by alexktyong 7 yrs ago
We are looking for some advice on hiring a DH. After 3 helpers terminated early on us, and having to let go of two more because they could not do half of what they claimed they could, we are questioning both our own management abilities as well as the general market in HK these days.
Has anyone tried asking (and insisting on) for a reference letter or to request to see helper's previous contracts / passport record to verify whether the helper has actually completed previous contract?
Our agent laughed at such request (and we simply switched after that) but we are curious of everyone's way to gain more access to key information.
Much appreciated.

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bsm 7 yrs ago
My first helper worked almost 5 years. She gave me references. I never called to call to verify. She was a decent helper. She wanted to move out and live on her own and we did not want that so it ended amicably.
My second helper still working (almost 6 years). She gave me references. I spoke to one of them and it was a good reference. She is one of the best helpers we've ever had.
I had a third helper (as an additional helper to my second helper). She marketed herself with certificates, references. I never called to verify. I had to let her go after 3 months. Enough said.
References are important.
You can fake references and certificate but you cannot fake a good reference from an old employer.

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