Contract renewal of helper with cancer

Posted by majohart 12 yrs ago
Our DH is in the middle of chemo, her contract expires at the end of the month.

My husbands job is very uncertain, we may have to leave HK anytime soon!

Do I renew contract anyway and wait and see or do I just let her go?

Does anyone know what happens to DH's having cancer treatment if their contracts are not renewed? Are they given special permission the finish their treatments?

What would you do?


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Brindle 12 yrs ago
Can't help on what happens when a DH is in the middle of treatment but I would say that this gvt turns a blind eye and sends her back.

If you still need a helper anyway I would renew and see what happens with your husband's job. If you do have to leave then she will be able to look for another job with enough notice to find one and if the employer is leaving HK then the rules are that she does not have to leave in order to get a new employer. This will also give her time to complete her treatment and take stock of what she wants to do.

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majohart 12 yrs ago
Thanks Brindle, but are you going to employ a DH that has/had cancer?

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lagrue 12 yrs ago
About 50% of people with cancer get better or live long lives with the cancer, in much the same way people live with diabetes, heart disease ect.

I think if you terminate her contract or don't renew her, she has little or no chance of receiving good quality care. If she has been a good helper to you and your family I am of the belief that you should pay that forward and hire her, let her stay and deal with your husband's 'maybe' reloacation when it comes.

Moreover, if you have friends and can recommend her highly, she still may be able to be employed.

In the end it all depends on whether sh'es built up enough good will with your family or not.

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Justice4all 12 yrs ago
Your situation is a bit complicated with no clear answer I think. You may not have a choice if your job is on the rocks. Just be aware that most Chinese employers are afraid of hiring someone with a history of cancer and many imagine it to be contagious, believe it or not. There is a lot of inexplicable superstition and misinformation here as well as in the mainland. I knew an American teacher living in China who successfully underwent cancer treatments and was healthy and cancer-free. It didn't matter to employers. She searched for several months without successfully finding someone who would hire her with her medical history. I can't say whether or not this should be a deciding factor for you, but if this is important to you then that's something you may also want to consider when making your final decision. Perhaps praying for the correct path to take is the best solution in your case. Best wishes.

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hkwatcher 12 yrs ago

Your mother probably taught you it is not polite to denigrate other people's opinion of prayer. Perhaps you remember her saying "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all."

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Justice4all 12 yrs ago

First of all, Malka, I am not a she...I am a he, just to set the record straight.

Secondly, prayer is more than an act of faith. It is also an act of science. Scientists in various parts of the world have proven through scientific methods that prayer of any kind to any higher power, including meditation, not only taps into the part of the mind that unleashes brain waves to affect changes in the person's surroundings, but we also possess the ability of telekinesis which several Taiwanese and Korean cell phone corporations have been developing technology for to utilize this newly discovered ability of ours.

On another note, Human auras have been viewed through a special camera known as a GDV by a Russian-born physicist Dr. Konstantin Korotkov during prayer and other activities. It has even viewed the spirits of dead people leaving their bodies. These energy viewers have shown the people's auras and the auras of the living vegetation present in the room to change color with the prayers and moods of the individuals.

You can look up "Scientist photographed soul leaving the body in death 2nd part" on YouTube to see for yourself.

Furthermore, a famous Japanese visionary scientist, Dr. Masaru Emoto, has performed experiments and written books with photographs of water molecules in a frozen state about how words, prayers and even good or bad intentions affect the things around us. You can also type in his name or "Japanese Water Experiment" into Youtube to learn more about these findings.

Bottom line is this, a superstition is an unscientific, unfounded claim that gets its beginnings purely from imagination (usually caused by unjustified fear) instead of fact. One of my favorites is that many Filipinos believe if they see a butterfly it will steal their eyes. Another one is the ridiculous notion that rubbing a statue of Buddha's belly will bring you good luck or fortune. Is this scientific? Does breaking a mirror or walking under a ladder bring you 7 years of bad luck? I guess it does ONLY if the bucket of paint falls from the ladder onto your head. Haha!

Now let's count the vast number of miracles that have occurred in millions of people's lives over the centuries through their faith in prayer. Whether or not you believe in God, it doesn't change the countless historical facts and evidence that prayer is effective on many different levels: scientific, spiritual, mental, physical health and probably others I've forgotten to mention.

In a big way you made a statement of faith yourself by speaking out against prayer when you obviously know nothing about it.

Just remember one thing...whether or not you know God, He knows you and loves you. You may reject Him by denying His existence, but that won't ever cause Him to cease to exist. Just because I may not want disease or famine to exist in the world or perhaps I have never witnessed these things firsthand, it doesn't make them suddenly disappear. They still exist and no amount of denial will ever change that.

I'm not going to ask you to change what you believe, but my hope is that you will try to open your mind a bit instead of downing on others for believing what they believe.

Food for thought.

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majohart 12 yrs ago
Firstly the question was not about god, you idiots that believe there is a god need to be put in an asylum or put on medication! That's what we do to people that think they have imaginary friends now days, what is any different to god talking to you, leading your way!

No more responses needed, I won't be renewing her contract, we are going home thankfully and saying goodbye to this nightmare of a country!

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