Need advice - requirements for early contract renewal?

Posted by MumBee 16 yrs ago
Sorry to ask this question but.....what exactly are the paperwork requirements for Early Termination and then Early Contract Renewal for a DH?

I want to terminate then renew my DH's contact so I can save the levy (and give it to my DH instead). I cannot figure out what paperwork is needed - I checked with the Philippine Consulate and they say we need:

- 4 copies of new contract

- Copy of Employers ID and Passport

- Copy of DH's ID and Passport

That is it - no mention of Proof of Address or Proof of Income/Bank Balance.

Does the above seem correct??

And do we need to do a formal termination first, or does the contract renewal act as both termination and renewal?

Many thanks for the advice.

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hkwatcher 16 yrs ago
When terminating a contract and renewing to remove the levy, you are not required to provide proof of income etc. The things you mentinoed are what is required. Except that you need the actual passport of the DH and not a copy b/c she will get a new visa stamped to replace the old one.

First step is to get it chopped by the Phill Consulate, then go to HK IMD and get the visa.

However, be prepared to wait a long time in line at the IMDept. for processing. Can take up to 5 hours. The DH can do it for you, you are not required to be present. I suggest you send her very early to get in line.

The costs are $297.50 to go through Phill Consulate first, then $160 for the new visa.

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