Helper Stealing Money

Posted by sweetyemily 9 yrs ago
I recently found out my helper stealing from me…..over 10K this month.
I had two young babies so I can't fire her right away….
what should I do?

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hkwatcher 9 yrs ago
Become super vigilant about valuables in your home. Remove everything of value and put it in a safe deposit box in a bank or a safe in your home. All jewelry, all cash,watches....everything.
Install a CCTV in your home and review it. Start looking for a replacement immediately.
If you don't get the police involved she will move on and steal from another employer. It is likely she has done that to you. For the sake of others, stop her.
Good luck. By the way, if it was me, I would find someone else to look after my kids or I would do it myself rather than live with a known thief. Do you have family to help watch the kids and hire a local person to clean up the flat?

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sweetyemily 9 yrs ago
point taken….i am letting her go asap….I was worried about my 2 babies with her 24/7 even with myself around….I'm looking for replacement now but as you know it will take another 2 months at least to get another started….it's also not easy to find a local nanny who is reliable and can sleep with my newborn for 2 months…..any suggestion?

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hkwatcher 9 yrs ago

Are you working full time? I can't tell from your post. If you are not working I suggest you move the baby in with you. It is always better to bond with your baby at the beginning anyway rather than the helper.
Good luck

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asiaXdreamy 9 yrs ago
Stop this maniac and report to police,

Address this to Immigration they will likely arrange a faster replacement throughout the process.

You money lost already can hire very good local helpers in the mean time.

Funny that you let a stranger...oh... not even a stranger..a thief... living inside your own nest.

Be firm and decisive. Not every helper is bad. Try a good one.

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sweetyemily 9 yrs ago
Thx, I let her go already. I am looking for the new helper but lots of helper have no interests of taking 2 young babies……even with better salary….

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sweetyemily 9 yrs ago
btw, can i claim my helper's insurance for fidelity coverage if I didn't call the police?

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Ed 9 yrs ago
Try here

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mrcynic 9 yrs ago
If the helper stole money from you why didn't you report to the Police? Now some other employer will hire the helper and suffer the same problems; but you don't care as long as you can claim the helper's insurance for fidelity coverage.

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asiaXdreamy 9 yrs ago
Report to Police. Get a "RN" number from the police. Mark it on the insurance claim form.

Refer the same RN to Immigration and Labour Department, Consulate of the home country.

If you know where she will "sneak" to , you may file the same to relevant consulate for information, e.g. Canada...etc... Now the tie on international cooperation against doubtful entities is tight and effective.

Same problems happen in many countries. It seems recently the authorities are imposing tighter control to address such issues arising from situation like abusive immigrant/refugees in HK/Germany(EU)/Canada/USA/Australia.

The wrong doers need to face what has done by themselves.

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sweetyemily 9 yrs ago
To be honest, my previous helper is very good to my kids and she did fulfill her duties as a helper. I know she might have some financial trouble due to her mother's recent illness so I sympythise her.

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asiaXdreamy 9 yrs ago
Everybody has own choice. We respect that.

Last year, my neighbour living opposite to my place just sent a helper home who terminated herself by telling that her mum was dying. Before that my neighbour has paid her advance salary for 2 occasions and before the termination, she found that she had also lost some money at home. She accepted the helper termination and even bid a very sincere and warm farewell with wishes to the helper's mum.

This month, that helper by luck or by chance was hired by my colleague (unrelated to my neighbour), who talked to her and knew that her mother is alive and never had such claimed illness.

Sometimes, good person like you have to learn how to protect yourself and how to make every bit of sympathy worth.

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SwallowSwallow 9 yrs ago
Lots of maids are dishonest. Must report to the Police and do not let them to steal from other families.

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SwallowSwallow 9 yrs ago
Lots of maids are dishonest. Must report to the Police and do not let them to steal from other families.

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asiaXdreamy 9 yrs ago
Honestly speaking, many helpers claimed illness of somebody with no proof, my friends tried 5 of them and 5 of them were proven liars. Even if there is a cause, that can not justify the reason for doing criminal things to harm the others. That is the simple justice system we are running in the society.

Honestly speaking, lots of maids are good and some of them are dishonest and abusing the kindness of the employers.

For the naughty ones, just do the right thing to uphold the justice for all of the employers by purging that naughty ones with their deserved results.

Report to Police. Fair to you, fair to other employers, and fair to her ( as she did for herself).

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hkwatcher 9 yrs ago
This thread is about stealing thousands of dollars Asiaxdreamy
It is not about "naughty" helpers who make up stories to get away from horrible employers. If someone you know can't really keep a helper long term there is a reason why. I talk to girls all the time. In fact I spoke to one today. She has worked for 9 months.
She sleeps on the floor on the thin mattress and uses the quilt as extra padding. She prepares the family food to eat, but has no time to eat herself. She gets to bed at 11 and is up again at 6. It isn't until after 11 that she can contact her family, wash her clothes and take care of her own personal things. The employer says she is too loud taking a shower. She can't put her shoes in the family show cabinet and so has to put them in a plastic bag in her teeny tiny bedroom that is big enough for her to lay down only. She has chores to do on her off day before she leaves and after she returns.
She wants to quit, she may tell the employer the truth, but she may not. This employer cannot even get her own water, she asks the helper to wait on her hand and foot and take care of the children and house. This employer is a princess. She is not abusive but she wont be able to keep a helper who feels treated like a robot.
So where is the criminal act here? I would say it is at the feet of the employer. But this employer is probably a very very common type of employer in HK. They feel put out and treated badly when a girl quits, but what about the other side of the story? There is always always two sides to every story.

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asiaXdreamy 9 yrs ago
Yes, the naughty act is stealing. A crime.

Thanks for always remind us at helpers' angle.

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asiaXdreamy 9 yrs ago
Here is some court dealt in the past years, listening to the following mitigation and readers may know how ridiculous to mix the criminal acts with whatever excuses, so claimed by the above argument.

Story A
A teacher, stole some school property while she was working overtime.

"i worked so diligently without claiming overtime....."(ruled that it was unrelated to the act of stealing after school)

"the girl dressed to sexy so i cannot control myself but to...."
(ruled that this is the criminal intention of the defendant rather than the inducement by the victum"

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hkwatcher 9 yrs ago
"Swish" that is the sound of me totally missing the point of story A and B as it relates to a helper who has stolen money in contrast to a helper who has lied in order to save face.

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asiaXdreamy 9 yrs ago
Simailar, I couldn't understand what your message is related to this thread about theft, not the grudge from helpers towards limited space most of the HK residents are facing under the high land cost.

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