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17 yrs ago
Hi, I am confronting a very awkward situation. I have a tendency to pick up on good deals when I walk around the market. My helper on the other hand has a tendency to observe my bags and get the same sometimes in another colour. I tried to laugh it out with her one day saying that our house is becoming like a uniform. But it had adverse effect she stopped getting good vegetable rates saying that there is no deal anymore. After a couple of days things got back to the same as before.
As of now I am presuming it is a coincidence but when I want to buy something she has bought it first and has shown it to me so I stop. What do I do I can't just stop shopping. I want to buy a pair of rain shoes (the plastic ones) so bad but the one I wanted she's bought it. I am trying to convince myself sport shoes are good enough.
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17 yrs ago
Buy things that you think she couldn't afford then .: )
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17 yrs ago
Yes, I agree. Perhaps you'll need to buy things that you know she cannot afford ;-) Or buy things you like elsewhere. Eg. She's got the plastic rain shoes from the market in your area, maybe you could go to another market to get it.
Same thing happened to me as well. I bought a pair of pants from Baleno. She liked it and bought the same one with the same colour. She wears it all the time and I rarely wear it. I have heaps of other clothes. The other thing she likes to do is, after I've packed my clothes to be given to the salvation army, she goes through them and ends up wearing 90% of what I put in the plastic bags. It's a bit weird seeing her wear my clothes especially when she's not exactly my size - I'm an XS and she's a M-L. It looks awful on her so now I pack my old clothes on Sundays instead and have bought her new clothes.
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what a silly thread. but it kept me entertained for a min. or two, thanks.
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