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18 yrs ago
Hi there,
can you please help: I am about to employ a FDH. The only thing is that in my home there is no proper room to give to future helper for accomodation, so I am willing to pay her for a room/ share outside my flat. Now questions:
-is this legal?
-do I or does she look for a room herselves?
-knowing I will pay for the rent, do I sign the contract. Does she sign the contract? How do I know I am paying the right room rent?
-how much is the minimum/max should I pay for?
-bills: who pays for it?
-transportation to/from her room to my flat: who pays?
any other things I should know, pls reply and Thank you all.
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Unless you employ a permanent resident of HK it’s illegal to employ a FDH and them live out. There are those that still do have their helper live out though and seem to get away with it.
The room, bills, food and transport to and from work are your responsibility plus at least the minimum wage as this is what she would be entitled to if she lived in as legally required. You maybe able to negotiate a one-payment to cover all with her but it would need to be realistic and cover the expenses.
I imagine she will find a room but you will have to take her word for it when it comes to the cost, people here may be able to give rough ideas of the cost though for guidance.
As it is illegal for her to live out the contract cannot state payment for room and bills etc so I’m not sure how you deal with that other than agree her basic salary for the contract and pay the rest separately.
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Permission, required from the Director of Immigration, is only given in case of special circumstances and will be dealt with on individual merits. Generally speaking, requests for FDHs to live out have not be granted as from 1 April 2003 onwards.
Obviously you can ignore the legal 'niceties' (just be aware of the consequences) - other Asiaxpat members will be sure to advise on the 'dodges' they use.
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18 yrs ago
$1500 seems to be the average rate for live out helpers living expenses.
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The boarding houses for DH's varies from area to area, and if it is a shared room, etc. My helper who lkives out her previous was $900 plus approx. 100 in bills. The empller muzt pay it. No lease is to be signed, but you will have to pay a damage deposit. Her new one is $1,000 includ. all bills. She bought a 2nd. hand bicycle and rides it to work. As for food, she eats meals with us.
It is basically illegal, but many do it. First house I found, 2nd one she found herself, as it is closer to our home.
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18 yrs ago
Hi moppet, claire, cd and jassy67,
I want to thank you all for the kind and helpfull answers. I believe I have to agree with future employee to find a place for herselves near our flat within a budget. Even if illegal, but I will (and she also) have much more privacy too instead of having her 24/7 around with no extra bedroom, one bathroom..etc thanks all, ciao
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