Second Helper

Posted by chatterbox 20 yrs ago
Here is what I would advise, make sure that your first helper (if you want to keep her) is reassured that you are getting a second helper because you want to be fair to her and not wear her out and not because you don't think that she can cope.

Make sure that the second helper is younder than the first and is of a disposition to listen to the first - a hierarchy will inevitably form bsed on age and time with family, so you may as well make it easier.

Make sure that the second helper is from the same province as the first if you are having 2 from the same country, you'd be amazed how they gang up if not - we were!

Have your helper attend the interview or interview the second helper as well.

If you are getting a family member, remember that even siblings can be very different in ability and outlook and disposition, so this is not always a guarantee that they will be suitable. At least have a telephone interview, if not a face to face one.

Finally having said all that, someone with little experience is not necessarily bad, especially if your existing helper is good, s you can then train the second helper the way you want, which is much much easier than trying to retrain - believe me

hope this helps

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joy2 20 yrs ago
in my opinion if you need a second helper don't get any relatives or friends of your existing one because if you will have problems in future with one of them ,the other one won't get offended or personally involved with you or her friend/relative.

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