Cost of a Part Time Helper

Posted by spurs 20 yrs ago
We have been offered a part time helper (legal of course) and have been told her hourly rate is $70 per hour. Is this excessive and what should the cost be?


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spurs 20 yrs ago
Mrs Savage, Thanks for the info. Your helper sounds ideal. It might be good.

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spurs 20 yrs ago
Yes that would be great.

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gimme5 20 yrs ago
Mrs. Savage>>

I hired a local part time DH with the help of the Labour Department, but you have to negotiate the salary with the potential DH. They will ask where abouts you live and the more prestige the area, the higher they charge cos they think you can afford it and why not rip you off ?!?!?!

Normally the range can be anything btw HK$50-65 per hour. HK$70 is pretty rare, but if she is efficient and honest why not? You can always raise her hourly pay if you are satisfied with her work.

In addition, I noticed that all the locals speak only a little English, and if you cannot speak Cantonese you need to find a P/T Filippino DH, just make sure that they can be legally employed in HK. I tried that before too, and their practice (i.e. asking where you live) and rate is similar to the locals.

Good luck!

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shamzyy 20 yrs ago
Mrs Savage, can you give me the number of your part timer too. I have no maid and need some part time help. Or if she herself has no time, maybe she has a friend she can recommend.

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DH101 20 yrs ago

I have a friend looking for part time if you're interested you can email her

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crystal88 20 yrs ago
Hi Mrs. Savage,

Need your help too....pls. send me her mobile number. I need a part time helper to clean and iron. thanks.

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Ling05 20 yrs ago
Hi! Can anyone tell me whether PT helper buy groceries and do cooking too? Thanks!

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Ling05 20 yrs ago
Thanks TC.

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sypanda 20 yrs ago
do any of you know of any helpers who would be willing to come to homantin to do some cleaning (maybe once a week or every other week?)

thanks! you can email me at

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