switch from DH visa to employment visa

Posted by carolel 16 yrs ago
Does anyone have any advice about how to employ a person who is currently on a DH visa in a capacity other than Domestic Helper?

We want to employ someone to work in the contracting and construction trade but he is currently on a DH visa.

Any suggestions?



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spurtio 16 yrs ago
It can't be done. There is no such thing as transferring someone from a DH Visa to a "normal" expat employment visa.

You could, however, think that you could simply apply to IMD in the normal way for a normal employemnt visa for a non-resident. Indeed you could. The problems you will face are:

1.) You, as the employing company, have to support the application and explain to IMD why the job cannot be filled from amongst the HK resident population (I suspect that will be very hard)

2.) In most cases you are very unlikely to succeed in your application unless you are paying over 30k per month [this salary implies a certian skill level to IMD] (I very much doubt you are).

Sorry. It sounds like a nice idea, but I believe it is a non-starter.

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punter 16 yrs ago
I have heard stories that it has been done before. If you really want to employ him, you can try. There's no harm in that.

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spurtio 16 yrs ago
Good point Beancurd.

When we have employed people from abroad for roles in the HK company we have had to provide copies of job ads, and also CVs from unsuccessful local applicants with reasons why they were rejected in favour of a "foreigner".

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