What now?

Posted by :-) 20 yrs ago
I think that you're responsible for her air ticket back to HK.if you think she is great, she can meet your req. then its up to you.but for me i have to see her performance first then if i'm satisfied then maybe giving her more..

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ladyfrog 20 yrs ago
As it's your first experience with DH, I would recommend you to have a trial day before to hire her, so you'll be sure she corresponds to your expectations. Sometimes we can have pretty bad surprises....

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Outdoors 20 yrs ago
It can take much longer than 6 weeks for maids that haven't ended their contracts to get new visas.

Why is she terminating her contract? If she's willing to do this to her current employer, she'll be willing to do it to you too. It sounds like you're playing with fire here.

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:-) 20 yrs ago
Ladyfrog if right you have to try her first for 1 to 2 days then if you're satisfied with her works and if you're comfortable with her then go on but if not then just pay her for the trial...

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Amyvalentine 20 yrs ago
Mrs Miggins,

Save yourself the headache of having to wait weeks and weeks! There are so many wonderful helpers who would not have to leave HK to process and whose employer would give good references. I know it can be difficult to find the right person for your family, but it will take much longer to process the papers on a helper who is quitting her job-I have heard up to 3 months. It would be so much easier for you and quicker if you hire someone who has finished her contract or at least is being terminated for one of the reasons that allow her to remain in HK for processing, such as financial reasons, or employer leaving HK for good.

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MC 20 yrs ago
Not to sound suspicious. But anyone who is termniated or termniating her own contract has a story and it is never one sided. Agree with one of the above post. There are many good helpers you can hire without having to go through the mentioned trouble. I have heard many stories (some from my own helper) about why some terminate their contracts. Believe me, I wouldn't trust any of them. Better safe than sorry.

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