New Helper and holidays

Posted by kelsta 16 yrs ago
I have just hired my new helper, once the contract was signed etc she went back to the Philippines for 1 month, which I was not expecting her to take 1 month, she would not confirm with me the date of her return and asked that she have an open ticket.

Now that she has returned she has said that I have to pay her 2 weeks annual leave in advance that is how things work? is this correct? This was never discussed before she left for the Philippines and I was told she had to leave for the visa to become in effect. As I am about to have my second child I would of rather her to start work. Thx

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punter 16 yrs ago
Eh? Leave credits are earned. If she hasn't worked for you, she hasn't earned any leave credits yet.

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ldavy 16 yrs ago
Kelsta, if you are going to employ a domestic helper then you must know both your rights and hers. Follow Hen's advice, get the handbook, and learn the rules.

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kelsta 16 yrs ago
Thank you for the replies, as we have only been in HK since February 09 I think we are being taken advantage of.

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punter 16 yrs ago
When you signed the documents/contract, the helper needed to go home to her country of origin and wait for the visa (about a month), that's normal. Nobody knows how long it takes, so asking for an open dated plane ticket is normal too.

What's not normal is her asking to be paid the 2 weeks annual leave in advance as if it's the norm. You can clear it out with her by asking and telling her of your "newfound knowledge". You can give her some slack by assuming that maybe it was a case of misunderstanding.

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kelsta 16 yrs ago
Thank you.

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