Have baby here or Philippines

Posted by Lane 18 yrs ago
How it the health care in the Philippines for having a baby? Is it better care to have the baby in Hong Kong and if so, what is the cost for delivery here?

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tmk 18 yrs ago
You don't say where in the Philippines. Makati or a remote province? Big difference.

I am assuming, as you are asking on a DH forum it is a DH and not an expat? Expectations of the health system and facilities may be very different for a DH versus an expat. Also, more than likely, the ability to pay for private care would also be different for an expat than a DH.

For a routine pregnancy/birth, Makati Med was okay and we had great doctors. However, if there are any serious complications, you would be wishing you were in HK (or Singapore etc).

My opinion is that a person would be better off in HK, ignoring all other non-medical factors such as financial, family support, what birth certifcate is wanted etc

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tsuiwah 18 yrs ago
cost of delivery in HK is essentially free for HKID card holders

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elizabeth carla 18 yrs ago
the best hospital also in the philippines is st.lukes....but for me its better here in hk to having a baby,not because u are in abroad...well goodluck!!!

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curiousgeorge1 18 yrs ago
Out of interest, if a pregnant DH decides to have her baby here in HK where does she live during her maternity leave? I don't believe I would be alone in not having helpers accommodation suitable for a mother and child, neither would I want that situation in my home. What are the contractural responsibilities of the employer in this situation. Apologies if I have stolen this thread feel free to move elsewhere if it is an issue!!!!

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wenliwenli 18 yrs ago
by law, the baby can't stay in your house without your permission, and she has to live with you all the time except the delivery days in the hospital. this is a touch call. how would you handle this situation?

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mborderform 18 yrs ago
When i went into pre-term labour a few years back i was transferred from the HK Adventist to tsan Yuk hopsital in sai yin poon (since closed but it used to be The maternity hospital in hk - a teaching hospital in the same cluster as QMH and DKH).

The general wards there were full of Filipinas (don't know if they were DHs or not). I'd say atleast 20 to 30 % - nearly all were heavily pregnant but not in labour. It looked like most of the women in the gen ward were waiting to give birth but not in any particularly urgent or dangerous conditions.

the cost at that time was HKD$69 per day including 3 (fairly awful)meals, all medical and surgical costs (including C-section done under epidural). The cost of the NICU (neonatal intensive care unit) was $39 per day - you had to buy your own nappies. the real cost is of course much higher but these fees are subsidised by the HJJC, as i recall.

the conditions are very basic - not the matilda by any means but the medical care was excellent - Hk has the highest infant survival rate in the world (partly due to its size and easy proximity to good hspitals.

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wenliwenli 18 yrs ago
would like to hear more on the arrangement of helper/baby in hk if the helper wants to have baby here. By law, helper cant stay out even during maternity.

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adelaide 18 yrs ago
this has been discussed on another recent forum. just search it was only two days ago. I will try to find it and post it here.

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adelaide 18 yrs ago
here it is


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