New helper asked for WIFI password

Posted by AaliyahM 12 yrs ago

My new helper who's just started 12 days ago asked me for my WIFI password yesterday. At the time, I said she'd have to ask my husband because I don't know it (which is true). She said she wanted it so she could use her tablet to communicate with her husband in Taiwan so it is cheaper. I'm a bit hesitant though.

If it was my old helper of 4 years asking, I would give it to her right away.

However, she's new to Hong Kong and I worry because she's looking after my 2 year old at home. I've also had a bad experience from a past helper where the helper would bring my toddler to the clubhouse for two hours and she'd be on the phone all that time without giving her even a drink of water. I'm not saying my current helper would and of course, I hope not. But how will I know that she won't be on the internet all day when I'm out from 7am-8pm?

Truthfully, I would like to gain her trust first before I offer this.

Your advice will be most appreciated.

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bob the builder 12 yrs ago
I wouldn't give her your password. She can get her own plan for her phone/tablet and be done with that. Her plan, her usage, her payment.

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FIFIB 12 yrs ago
Mine asked for this during the interview, I said yes, she got access since day one.

She communicates everyday with her kid back in Sri Lanka

So far it hasn't affect her performance.

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AaliyahM 12 yrs ago
Thanks for your input. After much discussion with my husband, we've decided to hold off giving her our WIFI password until she's worked a little longer and we can trust her. It's still early days and we are still getting to know one another.

Regarding a camera, I know my friends do it and they can check on both their kids and helpers. I don't really want to make my helper feel uncomfortable like all eyes are watching her but it's neat to be able to see my daughter on camera using my Iphone. I'm still 50/50 about installing one.

I'm thinking whether or not I could let her talk to her husband in Taiwan/son in the Phillipines every night using my mobile phone instead so she doesn't have to pay for it. Just so until we feel we can trust her.

It's not really about making my home a jail for her but rather making sure that my kid is safe at all times with a new helper on board.

FIFIB, if your helper came highly recommended, I would have no problems giving her access. Like if my old helper asked, I know she's hardworking and I know she cares about my kids so I'd have no problems with it. My current helper is new....I don't know her (yet). My toddler seems happy with her but from observation, I can't see her warmth towards my toddler. Still early days.

In other words, too scared to allow her this access.

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AaliyahM 12 yrs ago
Agree with your observation. Why am I reluctant to install cameras (showing that I trust her), yet I hesitate with WIFI password (showing I do not trust her)?

For me, looking after my kid during the day is unavoidable because I work. I try to think about how I would feel if there's a camera on me at work. I would love to do install so I could see my kid which is why I say 50/50.

WIFI access on the other hand, is avoidable. The way I see it, if I don't create that opportunity, I don't have to worry about abuse. But, this is only until we feel we can trust her. I'm 100% sure that we will give it to her in the end once we've established that we can trust her.

It's still early days. She's been with us less than two weeks. We'll see.

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lagrue 12 yrs ago
I'm with bob the builder. She can pay for it herself.

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burabok 12 yrs ago
if you plan on letting her use you wifi dont give her the password but you type the password on her tablet or computer yourself. Any way you only need to type the password once for her to access the wifi. If in case you find some abuse or anything suspicious you can always change the wifi router password

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lasez 12 yrs ago
I gave the wifi password to my helper who has been us for 6 years. Seen a big change in the quality of work and also her attitude. Just my luck!

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