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11 yrs ago
My existing helper has been with me for many years. She suffered a mild stroke last year and was hospitalized for a few days. She underwent occupational therapy and physiotherapy at the local hospital. She has regained the mobility of her hands and is able to handle home chores. Her contract with me expires early September. I will not be renewing her contract even though she has been with me for 8 years. The reason is she needs to be on long term medication for her high blood pressure and high cholesterol so this means check ups at the local hospital from time to time.I have young kids and a full time job, so it is not easy to cope when she is gone for half a day every now and then. Also, she underwent two MRIs and there is a blockage that may require surgery in future. The insurance company has sent me a letter, stating that her coverage will not be renewed.
She asked me if she could give my phone number for reference since she intends to look for another employer. I told her very frankly that I will have to tell her future employer her health condition. I think she is a good helper but I cannot lie for her. She has also asked me for a release letter, stating she has worked for me for 8 years which I do not think is necessary since her contract expires and she is not terminated for other reasons. I am still thinking through this but in the end, I may cave in. Will see. I read all the documents relating to this and it is not mentioned anywhere that I need to write a release letter. I only need to inform Immigration that the contract has ended, from what I understand.
So for future employers who plan to hire helpers directly from asiaxpat site, please ask your helper to go for a health check in HK as I have seen my helper advertise here.
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