Where have you found the best helper candidates?

Posted by Amyvalentine 20 yrs ago
It is so exhausting searching for that person who will be a good fit for our family, with good English language skills, etc. For those of you who have been successful in your quest for a helper, where did you find her? I have talked to many lovely people, many of whom have sad stories to tell, but there is usually either a Visa problem, or they don't cook or they talk too much on the phone-or something! Of course I have used this website, and checked Dollarsaver, and word of mouth, but am now wondering if I should go the Agency route. I have "wasted" a lot of time interviewing women who just would not work for us for one reason or another!

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Mighty 20 yrs ago
I 100% understand what you meant, coz we went thru everything you said here. But no one is perfect. We have used Filipino, Sri-lankan, chinese and now we have an Indoensian maid. Filipinos - too much too much on the phone. Sri-lankan - basically is good, i think, but we were just unlucky to have someone dishonest. Tryig thru an agent is also one of the options, but means you have to pay for the commission. If you want to try Indonesian maids, I can give you my agent's no. Not a lot, but some can speak English. My helper can speak reasonable English, but as she has little exposure to western culture, it takes time for her to understand what we want, e.g. she understands a very popular western cooking method - grill. I m sure you see what I mean. Good luck.

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Shadow 20 yrs ago
Hi. I went through the same things. I'm getting rid of my current Philipino DH because she is on the phone from 9am till lights out (among other things). Only time she stops is when she's vacuuming. I tried hiring from this site and others, including referrals from friends but finally had to settle for an agency. Now my potential DH is being processed. But be careful, my agent was very pushy. She kept referring ones that didn't meet my minimal qualifications (pet and childcare experience, aged over 35). Agents may become very persistant, insisting ones that don't meet your basic requirmets are just as good or even better to get your commission. Good luck!

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Ed 20 yrs ago
Here's how agencies work:

The helpers will come to them and pay a listing fee and fill out a bio-data form. Then when you call the agency they will ask for your requirements (single - child care experience - cooking etc...). Then they will look through their bio-data forms and send suitable maids to you. If you hire one you generally pay one month's wages to the agency and the maid is supposed to pay 10% (although there are quite a number of agents sitting in jail right now for charging more than that....)

If you use the DH channel on AsiaXPAT there are hundreds of helpers with bio-data and photos. You can search them to find what YOU feel are suitable candidates then interview them. When you hire a helper you pay nothing. The helper pays only a one off $180 advertising fee for a 3-month ad.

We have between 300-400 helpers register with us each month and if you ask most of them will tell you that they abhor working with the agencies because most of them they treat them ruthlessly. As an indication of the way they operate, our DH manager in HK has been threatened verbally many many times by these agencies who are not pleased that online has decimated their businesses (there are a number that have gone out of business because of online competition). A number of these agencies also banded together some time ago to try to have AsiaXPAT prosecuted because they claimed we were operating an agency without a license - this is not true as we are not acting as an agent - only as an advertising medium for the helpers to get rid of agencies and deal directly with employers.

Do the helpers and yourself a favour and save money and time by finding a helper here:


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wendy7 20 yrs ago
Hi Amy. Our resident's club has a notice board where employers who are leaving recommend their helper. Some are very complimetary. There appears to be alot of movement as you would know among the expats in the HK community and some are devestated that they have to let their helper go! We are in DB. Hopefully you have a similar board in your area. Hope this helps.

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three 20 yrs ago
I found my helper through the ads on this site, it took a long time and a few false starts but eventually found a Filipino girl who has only ever worked for Chinese families the last family for 6 years. She is just wonderful, works really hard, great with the kids, lovely person, falls over herself to please and just does everything with out question. I made the mistake originally when I was looking for a helper to only pick out the ones who had worked for Western families, had references posted on the site by their employers and only if the references were great. I just ended up getting no where. Most of the girls didn't even bother to turn up for the interviews, or they just wanted totally unrealistic things. The girl I eventually hired was on the website with no reference, and had never worked for a Western family. I called her Chinese employer who verbally gave her a great reference and because my gut reaction was that I liked her I took her on and as I said she is just great. So my advise to you is don't narrow your options by thinking this helper must be AB & C and at the end of the day follow your instincts as they do tend to be right

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betty45678 20 yrs ago
I hired my helper by posting my requirements in Park'n shop and Wellcome. I have just renewed her contract. A tip - Post your ad in supermarkets near the household you want your potential helper to come from. You sort of have an idea what kind of training she's got.

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Amyvalentine 20 yrs ago
Thank you so much everyone for the advice and tips-I have learned something from all of you.

Three, you were really lucky! I don't trust my instincts anymore, because I took a gamble too, and hired someone I liked from this website(she also had a glowing reference from her family) but I have ended up with teenager problems because she is in her 20's!

I have interviewed many women now, most from this website, but some who have been referred by friends. Many are wonderful helpers, but it is hard to know who will be a good fit for our family, with the right combination of skills. We are certainly not looking for perfection, but we do expect honesty, and reliability, which we have not seen with our current helper of 4 months! Once she got away from stricter employers (a nice Indian family who treated her fairly but not as part of the family) she started staying out all night on work nights. She knows she is now on probation so she has improved in that area, but there are still many other issues, such as breaking things, and taking small items and not telling me.

Still, I dread having to terminate her because despite her flaws, she is not an evil person at all. But I really have to have someone I fully trust to be alone with our children and alone in the house when we are gone! The problem now is, finding that person!

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betty45678 20 yrs ago
Guys, don't you all feel like choosing a husband? That person you picked from the street has to live in your house for 2 years at least! If it is so easy to get the right one, I would've 5 husbands by now. Ha.

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chatterbox 20 yrs ago
I have had ups and downs with hiring helpers and have found that as long as the helper has the basic skill set you are looking for, the right attitude and you feel comfortable with them, the rest can be worked out.

I have found that it is important, no matter how much you like the helper, to remember that they are an employee (which is difficult when they are in your home) and to set rules, so that they know what is and is not allowed.

For example, we have a rule that mobile phones should not be used whilst looking after the children. This is no different to the rule in my office whereby people are requested to keep personal calls to a minimum and restrict the use of mobile phones during office hours.

The setting and agreeing of such rules has proved very helpful in ensuring that we have a happy and productive home environment.

I find that asking the helpers about how they feel about the rules at the interview tells a lot about them and sets the stage for enforcing them when you employ someone.

We have had our current helper for almost 4 years and although she sometimes has to be reminded from time to time, she says that she appreciates knowing where she stands, as many of her friends get into trouble for doing things that they never realised would upset the employer.

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summer1 20 yrs ago

It is so exhausting searching for that person who will be a good fit for our family, with good English language skills, etc. For those of you who have been successful in your quest for a helper, where did you find her? I have talked to many lovely people, many of whom have sad stories to tell, but there is usually either a Visa problem, or they don't cook or they talk too much on the phone-or something! Of course I have used this website, and checked Dollarsaver, and word of mouth, but am now wondering if I should go the Agency route. I have "wasted" a lot of time interviewing women who just would not work for us for one reason or another!

100’s of Domestic Helpers with References & Photos here!


i suggestyou call this number 94370507.she has 3 yr experience in taking care of a child since infant.she is a good cook...i highly recommend her.if you need more info about her you can email me at summer_ck1@yahoo.com.

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probyte 20 yrs ago
try to call connie @ 28130463 / 91742355 , experience in child minding, cooking, cleaning and other household chores...worked with chinese and french family..with good English language skills, u need more info abt her? pls email me --> pr0byte@yahoo.com

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happychick 20 yrs ago
The most important issue is definately talk to previous employers, I cannot emphasis that enough. If future employees will not give their previous employers tel no to you, there has to be a reason. A few of my friends who have hired with an agency without talking to past employers, have all terminated their contracts within 6 months. Also as someone mentioned before, agencies can be very, very pushy, so make sure you talk to past employers.

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exeter 20 yrs ago
Don't ever rely on just a recommendation letter. Follow up with the employer. I wrote a complimentary one for my former helper. After she got the letter, she wound up doing all sorts of crazy things including passing out while cooking and losing my dog while drunk!

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