helper agency and medical check-up

Posted by bluesky12 13 yrs ago
I have two questions to ask.

1. Does anyone know an agency which charges a reasonable fee to process visa for an Indonesian helper? I am thinking of hiring someone who has been early terminated and want to find an agency to do the paperwork for me. An agency quoted me nearly HKD8000 to do the paperwork plus an oneway ticket from Indonesia to HK. Is this a reasonable fee? Also, do I have to go through an Indonesia government authorised agency to do the paperwork?

2. Can anyone recommend a place in HK doing medical check-up for helpers which can provide a final result quickly? It seems that it takes ages in HK to get your medical check up result.

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Susie1 13 yrs ago
I am sending Pm with details which might help you

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fushingbayloo 12 yrs ago
Can you let me know the name/location of the clinic for the med check too? I'm in the same boat. Thanks!!

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Susie1 12 yrs ago
I have pm'd the one we used.

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pkw888 12 yrs ago
Susie1, would you mind sharing this info once more? Thanks!

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Susie1 12 yrs ago
Pow I have sent you a private message, re medicals.

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