signing visa

Posted by Angel 20 yrs ago
That's illegal.what if she caught..then you both go to jail

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geiboyi 20 yrs ago
Of course it's a risk - but if you do it (so if you trust the helper 100% not to a) get into trouble b) shop you to Immigration if you fall out later) then make sure that you don't forget things like the employer's liability insurance. I heard of someone who did this, didn't get insurance, sadly the helper died and he, in addition to having lost someone he considered a friend, was left with a bill for flying a coffin back to the Philippines. Get insurance.

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geiboyi 20 yrs ago
TC has a v. good point - the Filipina community where I live is terrible - they pretend to be friends with each other and then run round stabbing each other in the back at every possible opportunity. Not nice. You wouldn't want your helper to fall out with one of her 'friends' and have trouble from that.

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dimac4 20 yrs ago
Yep - I wouldn't trust them as far as you can throw them - having heard loads of stories from friends who signed on the PT helper under contract then were taken through the wringers -even if immigration doesn't catch you the PT has the power over you to ensure you don't go to jail - you have more to lose than they do - they will just get deported in most cases - you and/or your partner will probably lose their job, and have a big fine and possibly go to jail...

Your decison but you have been advised strongly by many people against it.

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