Posted by
15 yrs ago
Hi All. I hope someone can offer me some concrete advice.
My helper's friend was taken to hospital at the weekend with severe stomach ache. But it seems that she's not been cared for properly. I was wondering, if the situation arose that she was unable to speak for herself, who would be responsible for making medical decisions for her.
Someone answered that it was the employer. But when there is patient/doctor confidentiality, how can the employer be aware of what is going on? Right now (and please understand this information comes to me via my helper, so let's take it from whence it comes) the woman is in a govt hospital in dire stomach pain. She has had this pain for a few weeks, been given various "treatements" by doctors, but so far nothing. Now she is in TKO hospital. She says she is still in terrible pain. She speaks English. Yet, if she wants more painkiller, she has to phone her employer who has to talk to the doctor who will then give her extra pain killer - surely THAT is not right. Now she has a feeding tube and is unable to speak very well. It seems she doesn't understand what the tube is, she feels she's getting worse. She's had a CT scan but the results will take a week or so. In the mean time she's miserable and in pain and clearly does not know what is happening to her or why. It's got to the point wher she doesn't want the feeding tube (if that is what it is, she doesn't seem to know) and yet no one has taken it out. She wants to go home but no one seems to be listening to her. This has to be at best a gross violation of her rights as a patient. Her employer is VERY good to her, please don't get me wrong. But the very fact that anything that happens to her must be on their say so smacks of racism to my mind. This woman is an adult. She should be able to make her own, informed decisions.
Is there anything that can be done to help her?
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In no way should the doctor need the employer's consent for treatment. That's absurd. I would ask to speak to the hospital administrator.
I would also contact an advocacy organization like and ask for advice.
"But the very fact that anything that happens to her must be on their say so smacks of racism to my mind."
No doubt you are correct.
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