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20 yrs ago
Maybe take a look at her signature next month to see the comparison again. It could be that this is the first time in employment she`s been asked to sign for her salary and was also taken back, but it does sound weird. Also do you pay cash? If you do and feel a bit uneasy about her reaction to signing, then I suggest you start paying directly into her bank account as there will be a paper trail. It`s just covering your own back incase...
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20 yrs ago
I ensure I pay my DH by my bank to ensure she cannot pay dirty with me later. Better to be safe than sorry.
I would ask her to re-sign the receipt again to the same signature of the contract.
You are not being paranoid at all Mrs. Miggins, just being smart, which can only be good for you.
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Assuming you hire her through an agent, take her and the receipts to the agent and have the agent explain to her that she should sign for acknowledgement, then ask her to sign it again with the agent as witness.
If no agent is involved, ask a friend over. Explain to the helper that she should sign for her pay cheque etc. and ask her to sign again. If she refused at least you have a friend as witness.
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20 yrs ago
Mrs Miggins I think you have given her too much already- TV,Stereo etc. What allowance are you talking abaout? Anyway, I just transfer the salary amount to my helper's bank account every month that way I don't have to make her sign anything and incase of a dispute the paper trail is there. Also I think your helper thinks that probably you don't trust her and hence you are making her sign a reciept. You are right in your own way but also remember,usually helpers try and push the employer as much as they can, you have to let her know you are the boss.
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trust is earned not given
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20 yrs ago
Mrs Miggins - we just went through the "exaggerated truth" (aka outright lies) situation but she went to the Labour Dept and not consulate. See my earlier thread "Kind of complicated..." I think you might have already seen it there. I tell you, after what we experienced and the betrayal of trust, we are totally making sure that EVERYTHING is written in b&w and signed with our new helper--including any verbal agreements we discuss with her. That was our problem with our ex-helper: we trusted her so we never wrote down any verbal agreements we had with her and now she went to the Labour Dept. and twisted the truth, and we don't have anything written down to prove otherwise, it's now her word against ours. Feel free to call me if you want more tips. Just send me a PM.
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19 yrs ago
Mrs Miggins
You really need to learn more about these helpers. The longer their experience here in hong kong,the more they're demanding and wise.
It's better to hire fresh helper w/out experience than those veteran helpers.
Trust me....there are more coming up.
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