Food allowance and holidays

Posted by Vanille 12 yrs ago

Our new helper started to work 2 months ago and we allowed her (2 weeks after she joined our family) to go back to the philippines as she had family issues to solve. We give food allowance to her. During her stay in the philippines I did not provide her food allowance. Now she is asking for it, while I think we are not supposed to give the food allowance while she is away. am I right? what should be the practice?

Next she is asking for chistmas holidays while we have even not planned for holidays on our side. we are both working with my wife. I think she should been entitled for her 7 days annual leave only after 1 year of her contract, am I correct?

Thanks for your advices...

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Susie1 12 yrs ago
Totally agree with Cara, your helper sounds like a 'little madam', if you don't lay down any strict rules now, she will manipulate and cause big trouble for you.

Make sure you always pay her wages/food allowance through a bank, then she can never claim you didn't pay her.

If she had more than one week holiday soon after she joined you, she may not be entitled to any more holidays for the duration of her contract, she is only allowed 7days per year worked, plus any statutary HK holidays for public workers.

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bob the builder 12 yrs ago
Cara has given good advice. My advice is be careful with this helper. She looks like she will be trouble for you and is going to try anything and everything. You need to be very sure of your rights and obligations because it looks like she will try to trick you.

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lmconn31 12 yrs ago
your helper is asking too much.. she only works with a short time but already have a lot of demands, expenct more and more demands as she stays longer.

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MCH20 10 yrs ago
So a DH is not entitled to food allowance when she is away for holidays in her home country? Whether it is extra paid holidays or her 2-year entitlement of annual leave?

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tata2 10 yrs ago
How lucky is my boss.
She never give me food allowance. For almost 3 years never give me any single fruit. I buy my food all the time. She is weird though she knew it that I eat fruit never offered me. They can take vacation 3 to 4 x a year to other countries but couldnt give you food allowance. I envied my friend coz she will give the receipt of McDonald during her day off and her mom will refund it.

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asiaXdreamy 10 yrs ago

Did she give you food or just some types of food of personal choice you felt not satisfied?


There is NO need for food allowance out of Hong Kong and during such holiday, it's not the intention for establishing such allowance. Of course employers may give it in these circumstances but even not giving cannot be criticized as not good.

e.g. Her employer gave her a pearl as birthday gift but mine does not. Could I envy her or blame my employer?

I believe, if employee dedicated to a job with objectively seen above standard performance, employer will treasure such effort and repay in whatever means, not necessarily in monetary term, to show appreciation. A common sense in workplaces no matter you are situated in helper field or not.

Just quote from the great politician - 'ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country"

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motivationworks 9 yrs ago
Don't be fooled by her. When the helper is going home and still under your employment, you only need to take responsibility of her first and last days, $100 each, on her trip.

As for her home holiday, first 2 years are 7 days each year. But usually is end of contract to let her go or pay money in lieu (with mutual agreement), whether she renews contract with you or not.

Employer is only responsible to pay one home leave air ticket to the helper. If the helper wants more than that, is really up to the employer to give her or not, as bonus if her performance is good; otherwise, ask her to pay for herself, or no go at all, wait till contract ends.

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