How to Avoid Food Poisoning When Traveling Abroad

Posted by PSR_AXP 16 mths ago

Exploring different cuisines and experiencing local flavors is one of the most exciting and satisfying aspects of traveling abroad. However, unfamiliar food and unhygienic cooking and eating practices can increase the risk of food poisoning.
Needless to say, it is any traveler’s nightmare to become ill after hours of preparation and months of waiting.
Our friends at Pacific Prime Hong Kong are here to provide us with essential tips to avoid food poisoning while traveling abroad, to ensure you are going to have a safe and enjoyable trip.
Tips to Prevent Food Poisoning

1. Research and Choose Reliable Food Establishments
Conduct thorough research on the local food scene. Look for highly recommended restaurants, eateries, or street food vendors known for maintaining proper hygiene standards.
2. Wash Hands Frequently
Proper hand hygiene is vital to preventing foodborne illnesses. Wash your hands with soap and clean water before and after meals, or use alcoholic hand rub when clean water is not readily available.
3. Stick to Bottled Water and Safe Beverages
Contaminated water is a common source of foodborne illnesses. It is advisable to drink bottled water or beverages prepared with boiled water. Ensure that the seal on the bottled water is intact.
4. Eat Freshly Cooked Food
Prioritize freshly cooked meals. Consuming hot food that has been cooked thoroughly reduces the chances of bacterial contamination. Avoid eating raw or undercooked meats, seafood, and eggs. Fruits and vegetables should be thoroughly washed or peeled before consumption.
5. Carry a Basic Medical Kit
Prepare a basic medical kit containing essential items such as antidiarrheal and any other prescribed medications. These can come in handy if you experience mild symptoms of food poisoning. Consult with a healthcare professional before your trip to understand what medications you may need.
What To Do If You Get Food Poisoning While Traveling

If you have the below symptoms, you are likely to have gotten food poisoning:

● Vomiting
● Nausea
● Abdominal cramps and pains
● Diarrhea
● Fever

It is best to see a doctor if you have symptoms that last for more than a couple of days, or if your condition keeps worsening. For mild food poisoning, here are some tips to speed up your recovery, so you can get back on track in no time.

● Drink lots of water and fluids with electrolytes
● Consume liquid food
● Stay away from foods that can upset your digestive tract, such as spicy, high-fiber, and dairy products

Stay Healthy While Abroad

With proper precautions, you can savor the flavors of your destination without compromising your well-being.

One extra step you can take is to secure travel health insurance or international health insurance, so you know you are financially safe without needing to pay medical fees out-of-pocket. Pacific Prime Hong Kong has a team of insurance specialists to help you find the best insurance plan for your needs and budget.

Contact them today for a FREE quote or impartial advice!

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