Workplace Kindness: How and Why It Pays Off

Posted by PSR_AXP 11 mths ago

Workplace Kindness: How and Why It Pays Off

Looking to keep employees engaged in the company? Aiming at fostering an employee-friendly workplace? Hoping to reduce employees’ stress levels? All these can be achieved by practicing one simple thing – workplace kindness.

Our friends at Pacific Prime Hong Kong are here to introduce you to the concept of workplace kindness, and why it matters to employees to work in a productive and positive environment.

What is Workplace Kindness

At the company’s level, being kind to employees can help you retain talent, establish a thriving culture, and enhance employee engagement and performance.

At an individual level, compliments help your employees or co-workers feel more fulfilled and acknowledged, which in turn boosts their self-esteem, resulting in more positivity around the office.

Why Workplace Kindness Matters

Workplace kindness is vital in fostering positive work relationships. Whether it be employer-employee or employee-employee relationships, maintaining positive relationships makes employees feel supported and bonded to the company, which helps reduce negative side effects such as burnout, anxiety, or stress.

Workplace kindness is beneficial in:

Boosting productivity: When employees feel supported at work, there will be a feeling of a rush of positivity, and that’s the little push they need to be completely engaged and focused on their work.

Reducing stress and anxiety: It could be just a piece of friendly advice or practical support, and you could’ve turned that frown of your employees upside down from a hard day of work.

Strengthening teamwork and momentum: Simple acts of kindness aid the process of building trust and teamwork among employees, which are beneficial in achieving mutual goals in the future.

Ways to Show Workplace Kindness

Now you know the importance of practicing workplace kindness, it’s time to learn how you can show kindness at work.

Smile! We understand work isn’t always rainbows and flows, but an easy way to show kindness is to smile. It reduces the tension and stress within the workplace, which makes the environment more enjoyable for everyone including the employer and employees.

Should any of your colleagues feel a little dejected, engaging in open communication with them and actively listening is desirable for the sake of workplace kindness. Employers can do the same by asking employees how they are coping with their work, and possibly offering certain benefits that help them achieve work-life balance, and mental and physical well-being.

Workplace kindness is something everyone can do easily, and it will pay off eventually. For employers in particular, being aware and providing employee benefits in the promotion of employees’ mental health and well-being is one of the better ways to optimize employee satisfaction and engagement.

Pacific Prime provides tailored employee benefits solutions to companies of all sizes. With over 20 years of experience in the insurance industry, they are your experts in providing professional advice for your company’s long-term growth.

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