Travel Insurance and Tips for Pregnant Expats

Posted by PSR_AXP 11 mths ago

Travel Insurance
and Tips for Pregnant Expats

Are you an expectant mother looking to travel abroad? For an expat mother-to-be, it’s advised not to travel for domestic trips after 36 weeks of pregnancy and after the 28th week for international travels.

When Should You Travel During Pregnancy?

Generally, the safest time to travel is during the second trimester (weeks 13-26). This is when you’ll feel at your physical best, as the symptoms from the first trimester will progressively subside.

Moreover, during the first trimester of your pregnancy, there is a higher risk of miscarriage, regardless of whether you’re traveling or not. Thus, you should consult with your doctor before traveling, especially if your pregnancy is high-risk.

Ways Pregnant Expats Can Travel

Two modes of transportation are considered safe for pregnant expats: by air and by car.

Remember to take extra care of yourself and plan your travels well ahead. Bring your maternity notes with you in case you need any medical attention.

High-risk Pregnancies and Travel

Before traveling, ensure you don’t have the following conditions, as it may put you and the baby at risk. However, this list may not include all the possible conditions, so discuss your health history with your doctor before traveling.

Multiple pregnancies
Vaginal bleeding
Cervical problems, or “incompetent cervix”
First pregnancy over the age of 35
History of blood clots
History of gestational diabetes
History of high blood pressure
History of premature labor
History of infertility
History of miscarriage
History of ectopic pregnancy (pregnancy that develops outside the womb)
Severe anemia


Travel Insurance Options for Pregnant Expats

Travel insurance for pregnant women provides the same level of coverage as any other type of travel insurance. As such, there is no “pregnancy plan” included in travel insurance.

That said, some insurers may cover pregnancy complications before or during the trip. Some policies may even cover pregnancy-related cancellations after purchasing a plan.

Usually, travel insurance plans have different policies regarding pre-existing conditions, and most do not directly cover pregnancy-related matters. Hence, securing private maternity insurance is the ideal coverage option for pregnant expat travelers.

Why You Should Take Up Private Maternity Insurance Instead

Signing for comprehensive international maternity insurance will cover all the essential details and benefits an expectant mother needs.

The Perks of Maternity Insurance Benefits

Maternity insurance will help ease your financial burdens, as pregnancy and childbirth can be costly. These plans will provide global coverage for expectant expat mothers when they go abroad.

A list of maternity insurance benefits will include, but is not limited to:

Labor and delivery converge
Medically prescribed Cesarean Sections
Prenatal and postnatal care
Congenital defect coverage
Newborn care coverage
Hospitalization coverage for newborns



If you are pregnant and planning to travel, securing private maternity insurance is the best way to protect yourself from unforeseen circumstances. Remember to always consult your doctor before traveling.

Should you have any further questions, please get in touch with our partner, Pacific Prime.

Check out free, no-obligation Hong Kong insurance quotes here.

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