Little black biting insects - Please help!

Posted by Cxbaron 15 yrs ago
I am trying to find the name of the little black insects that attack my legs whenever I find myself outdoors in the New Territories.

They leave an itch similar to a mosquito bite but without the big swollen bump. (Sometimes there is a very small bump for a few minutes)

Once I have identified them my next task is to find out how to defend against them. Do anti mosquito devices work against these little blokes?

Please help - I'm getting eaten alive somedays!

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axptguy38 15 yrs ago
Sounds like you're being bitten by black flies (also known as buffalo gnats, turkey gnats, or white socks). I agree they are very annoying.

Typically anti-mosquito measures work against black flies. However, repellents based on DEET, like Ultrathon, may attract them (oops). If you get a bite, put some "Anthisan" lotion on it. This will remove the itch and alleviate the swelling.

Also, avoid wearing yellow and particularly orange as black flies are attracted to those colors. At least they are in Scandinavia.

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cd 15 yrs ago
We call them no-seeums. Normal mossie spray seems to work

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axptguy38 15 yrs ago
No-seeums (AKA midgies, sand flies or punkies) are not the same thing as black flies. However it is quite possible those are guilty instead of black flies.

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chatterbox 15 yrs ago
whatever you call them a solution of dettol and water works well, is healthier than DEET and costs a lot less than all the other repellants. I have a few $10 atomiser sprays from Japan home stores into which I put a finger of dettol and then I fill up with water, screw the top on, give it a shake and spray yourself! IF you have them in an outdoor area where you live, spray the area. If we know we are going to be out and about amongst them, we stick a cap full of dettol in the bath and bath in it before going out and then apply as needed throughout the day.

For those who care, the black dots, no-seeums etc dont actually bite you, they urinate on you. The mark comes up so big and irregularly shaped from the histamine that your body sends to the area to combat the irritation. Now dont you feel better about them?!

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Cxbaron 15 yrs ago
Thank you for all the replies. I am not sure yet if they are the no see-ums or black flies yet - will go out later and find out.

I live next to a big "green" piece of land and although they are not a hassle in the house they are a nuisance outdoors.

Does anybody know if mozzie lights/noise devices/gas sprayers etc are effective against these guys? I'll try some of the other methods indicated above too.

Thanks again and if anyone has any further advise or remedies they are all appreciated.

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Chiseen 11 yrs ago
Vanilla flavouring, dabbed on like perfume.

I saw it on youtube and then googled it on various other sights. Worth a try. My kids get bitten by these a lot in the playground.. so does dad (me) and I always swell up for over a week with them!

I haven't tried it yet, but I will tomorrow.

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