battery disposal

Posted by 2D 16 yrs ago
Anyone know where you can dispose of used batteries safely/responsibly, preferably on Hong Kong side?


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mr.cowboy 15 yrs ago
I was asking myself this exact same question today

I've piled up a lot of used batteries since I arrived in Hong Kong 3 years ago and never really looked a collection point until now. The pile is now ridiculously high; I had to do something.

Your post is 2 month's old but in case it helps you and others, here is the answer

Only rechargeable batteries are recycled in Hong Kong!

Here are the collection points

• FORTRESS (all stores)

• McDonald's (all restaurants)

• MTRC (58 stations & 4 shopping malls)

• Pricerite Stores (all stores)

• Watsons (all personal stores)

• Shell (11 stations)

• Wellcome (7 stores)

• 7-ELEVEN (40 stores)

• ThreeSixty (2 stores)

• 3G Mobile City (7 stores)

• Organising companies

For more details and address follow the link

At this address they also explain why disposble batteries are not recycled

(in short they say: less economical and environmental benefits)

Here is the full answer

Conclusion: we better all start using rechargeable batteries and recycle them

For those interested in Hong Kong Waste Reduction program

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2D 15 yrs ago
Disappointing news, but thanks for your reply. Had been holding out for an answer, and 2 months later my pile of used batteries has gained a unit or two. I guess the half-full view is that now it won't take more than 10 seconds to go and finally dispose of them now. Yikes. Poor old earth.

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six 15 yrs ago
how sad!

a lot of my kids toys say - no disposable batteries. does anyone know why that is?

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axptguy38 12 yrs ago
I think IKEA has a bin.

Also, just because they are not as harmful doesn't mean that it won't be more useful to recycle them separately.

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HKGShe 9 yrs ago
Non-rechargable batteries can be turned in at your neighborhood "electronics recycling" at least they can at ours. Most estates try to hold them every 6 months.

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