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15 yrs ago
Does anyone know where I can buy a maid's best urgently!!? I need one for next week!!
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try the classifieds - plenty of people selling beds
example -
or there are bunk beds for sale in the classifieds too
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Takad furniture does nice work too...
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15 yrs ago
thanks- i think takad sounds great! looked on classifieds but I think problem with room size etc! what is with the lack of space for helpers!!?!!
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I have a lightly used Ikea bed, good condition Single Sultan bed very comfy on legs so you can also store things underneath. Its taking up space in my place and happy to let it go for HK$ 400. (Im in Central) if that helps, just drop me a message.
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Modern House. 60 Java Road in North Point. Good selection of beds with lots of built in storage. Typical delivery is 5 days. The mattresses are rock hard, which we solved by buying the thickest IKEA mattress pad. It's a bit too wide but you can fold it under.
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Is a maid's bed different from any other kind of bed? I'd bet Ikea sells beds? And, you know, furniture shops.
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I bought my maids bed from Jade Rattan on Wan Chai Rd. They have standard sizes in the store with many styles/storage etc. but if you need smaller, they will custom make but takes a few weeks before delivery.
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"Is a maid's bed different from any other kind of bed? I'd bet Ikea sells beds? And, you know, furniture shops."
Maid's beds have to be smaller in order to fit in the tiny rooms. Even the smallest IKEA beds (apart from the child ones) would not fit in most maid's rooms. For example the smallest IKEA mattress is 92cm wide. That's 7 cm too wide for our maid's room, and that room is large compared to many we have seen. It would block the door.
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The only other thing I can think of is a foldable porta bed like used in camping they are smaller in size, yes the room size is a challange as most single beds and matrasses are 90cm!
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"Is a maid's bed different from any other kind of bed? I'd bet Ikea sells beds? And, you know, furniture shops."
i would add they often feature built in storage above or below the bed, or desks, sofas/chairs under a bunk so that the maid has somewhere to 'hang out' when she has some free's simply an attempt to make the most of what axptguy mentioned is (unfortunately) often a very small space...
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Why don't you give your maids a proper room if you're all so sad about how small their room is!
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No I don't, can do my own cleaning!
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that's what i thought...why on earth would you be replying here then? Maids do more than cleaning by the way lol...maybe take a few minutes to consider this before another thoughtless post...
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OK, I've considered it and you're totally right, what was I thinking.. they do more than cleaning..
The reason I was reading this was because I, like some others here, was curious what a 'maid's bed' is. Now I know, it's a bed that the people who buy it would refuse to sleep in and that's made to fit in a room where people that buy it would refuse to live in.. but they do feel bad about it.
If my conclusions offend you, you might want to do something about it!
Don't get me wrong, I'm not holier than the pope, just find it interesting that people say they think it's wrong these rooms are so small but clearly don't care enough to actually do something about it.
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they dont care to do anything at all..thats why their lazy asses hire maids and pay themsh*t. Shameful.
We continue to become more dependent..
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maid's rooms are an afterthought meaning they are not given importance by architects and builders in their layout plans therefore many apartments do not have a maid's room.
"people say they think it's wrong these rooms are so small but clearly don't care enough to actually do something about it."
worst case scenario is that maids sleep with the children or sleep in the kitchen.
so i wonder what you would want people do about it?
knock down walls and change the layout of the flat?
move to an apartment with proper maid's room (this is a tall order)
maybe you could provide constructive advise as how and what to do about it rather than whine about what people are doing wrong...
space is limited in hong kong. that is the fact. it is what it is.
maids are consider themselves "lucky" to have a space or room to call their own albeit it being the size of a storage room
the best that people can do is to make the room as comfy for the helper as they could given the space provided
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"they dont care to do anything at all..thats why their lazy asses hire maids and pay themsh*t. Shameful.
We continue to become more dependent.."
One could also say that we provide a job for someone which pays much more than she would get in her home country.
Most people don't hire a maid because they are lazy. They hire one so both parents can work.
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"Most people don't hire a maid because they are lazy. They hire one so both parents can work."
and look after their children, pets, and their elderly parents.
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Wiz Bang, how's this for a solution. If you need a live-in maid (I still fail to see why anyone would but that's another discussion) how about keeping that in mind when you look for an apartment. Just because the developer calls the closet next to the kitchen a maid room doesn't mean you actually have to stick a living human being in this closet. You could for instance consider this person as just another person in your household who gets their own bedroom, just like yourself, your kids, your elderly parents or whoever else lives with you! And use the closet next to the kitchen for what it is, a place to story your iron board and vacuum cleaner.
Has being in HK really made you see these people as less than yourself or have you always had this opinion of less fortunate (read born in the wrong country) people?
I suggest you read back your remark there and think of yourself being the maid in your household, would you be happy and consider yourself 'lucky'? Come on, who are you kidding here?
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exactly my point!
so how would you then solve the issue? rather rant and rave. come up with a solution.
in hong kong, families usually have both parents working at local salaries not expat packages, and even with a double income, they are not able to live in a big apartments with proper maid's room. yet it is necessary for them to hire a helper to look after their kids and their household
on the other hand, no one is forcing and smuggling these less fortunate people from third world countries to come to work here. if i were a maid and i was unhappy with the conditions, then i could also choose not to continue to work in such conditions. but why are there still so many helpers coming to HK... because the salary they receive would be more than what they would earn back home... and be able to support their families.
other maids have it worst having to sleep on a plank of wood on top of hobs. and if you read my post - i have written lucky in quotes i.e. "lucky". luckier than those who have to sleep on the floor, on the hobs etc., have to sleep with the dogs.
go back to planet earth... and let us know viable solutions.
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Which part of 'You could for instance consider this person as just another person in your household who gets their own bedroom, just like yourself, your kids, your elderly parents or whoever else lives with you!' did you not understand?
If you're now going to say that most people can't afford this I can already tell you my reply which is if you can't afford to give someone a reasonable place to stay you shouldn't hire that person.
If both parents have to work and therefore can't take care of the kids maybe they should've thought about that before they had kids. On the other hand I'm sure the majority of the expats in this town never had a maid when they were growing up and somehow their parents managed. I know mine did, even though both had jobs.
And just because they can make more money here than in their own country really doesn't make it right now does it? Yes, they could go back but to what? For most its not really a choice.
But all that is besides the point, all I'm trying to say is that in my opinion the maids in this town way too often get used and abused by the families they work for and really deserve a little more respect. Just treating them as equals would be a good start and giving them a proper room would be a nice start.
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Tom075, one other reason for hiring a maid is "because we can". We can afford it and feel that it enhances our quality of life.
If you think that makes us lazy, so be it. But it is really a matter between us and our maid.
"If both parents have to work and therefore can't take care of the kids maybe they should've thought about that before they had kids."
So you are suggesting every family has one non-working parent. Lots of families would not be able to support themselves.
"On the other hand I'm sure the majority of the expats in this town never had a maid when they were growing up and somehow their parents managed. I know mine did, even though both had jobs."
In most of those cases, grandparents or other relatives were close by and helped out. Also, the kindergartens in Western countries typically allows kids to stay all day. That is not the case in HK.
"And just because they can make more money here than in their own country really doesn't make it right now does it?""
I fail to see your point. How is it wrong? Economic realities exist for everyone. Maids are able to make much more as maids in HK than in their home countries. Is this a bad thing?
"But all that is besides the point, all I'm trying to say is that in my opinion the maids in this town way too often get used and abused by the families they work for and really deserve a little more respect."
Of course. Maids should not be abused, they should be respected as th professionals they are.
"Just treating them as equals would be a good start and giving them a proper room would be a nice start."
Treating them as equals, sure. Giving a "proper" room is a matter of definition. I would note that many maids have never even had their own room before coming to HK. Also, many local families live many in a tiny flat so that's hardly more space than a maid would get in her maid's room. It's all relative. Certainly we would never rent a place with the smaller maid's rooms where only the bed fits.
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I have one with new bedding
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15 yrs ago
I expect you're parents managed even though they both worked because they had either parents, a childminder or day care centres, breakfast clubs and after school clubs to rely on for child care, none of which are available in HK. So for people here the only option is a DH. As to the living in, most people would prefer not to have a live in help, unfortunately due to the laws they do not have the choice.
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"But all that is besides the point, all I'm trying to say is that in my opinion the maids in this town way too often get used and abused by the families they work for and really deserve a little more respect."
so why not start your own thread on THAT topic instead of hijacking a thread about a simple request for a maid's bed?
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15 yrs ago
Agreed - please keep the thread on topic. If you wish to raise another point, please start a new thread.
Let's go back to Maid's Beds... there are often some for sale in our classifieds
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Tom075, someone I knew worked as a live-in housekeeper for the British royal family at Windsor Castle. Did the Queen ask her which room she wanted, e,g, the master bedroom in the private tower? No, of course the cleaner didn't get to choose; she was given a pokey room in the servants' quarters because that, when all's said and done, is what she was. (Unlike average Hong Kong apartments) there was plenty of 'spare' space for her to been given better quarters, but not having the same luxury facilities as those enjoyed by her employers did not make her feel hard done by, though she did mention the pay was crap - something which is not the issue for helpers who, generally, earn more here than they could elsewhere.
I'm all for helpers' rights but my point is I don't think one should be criticised for not treating helpers as if they are equals in the family, because they're not, they're employees. While my blood regularly boils over when I read of the all-too-many appalling injustices inflicted on some (certainly not all) HK helpers, from what I read no one contributing to this thread should be accused of treating their helper badly. The people who responded to you above appear to be decent and caring and treat their helpers with respect (I also recall some of their posts in previous threads) but they are pragmatic and they do do the best they can under their present set of circumstances. Concentrate on the people who really do abuse their maids - maybe you could offer yourself for some volunteer work at one of the refuges to get a better grip of what's happening out there. Don't try to fix what ain't broke.
Sorry sv1 - hope you find a bed in time!
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We were able to get a bed from IKEA and put slightly taller legs on it. This allowed for some "under the bed" storage bins giving our housekeeper quite a bit more room for her belongings.
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What on earth has made Tom so bitter - I wonder
There used to be a bed shop at the begining of Queens Road East (Stubbs Road End) good steel frame with springs and thick mattresses. These should fit in old style apartments with small helpers rooms.
Working for an architects firm I can tell you that when families have an option of creating spaces for their helpers they are very generous. Unfortunately not all of us are that fortunate. Having been a "domestic Helper" myself I can tell you I would much rather sleep in a small bedroom that is my own and away from the centre of the family home than sleep with the children - it was my job not my family.
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15 yrs ago
Re: Deletion
Lets please not allow this thread to degenerate into a name-calling match...
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