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15 yrs ago
know where to buy goyard bags online ?
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Don't know about online but you can buy Goyard in Harvey Nicholls.
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Lowu commercial centre over the border in Shenzhen. Go to bag shop 210 and ask for any colour you like. The girls there are very helpful and the price is about RMB100.
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My recommendation is the same as bakfaiya's, however I want to point out that there are different quality fake Goyard tote's.
I go to LoWu Commercial Centre Shop 253, known as QQ. All their bags are first quality and apparently slightly pricier than bakfaiya's shop. QQ's fake Goyard tote's are priced around RMB140 for the medium sized tote. Ask QQ to show you the difference between first quality and second quality. When you see them side by side, you will definitely want to spend a few RMB more for first quality. However, if the quality is the same as bakfaiyau's recommendation, then certainly go for the cheaper bag, but my suspicion is that QQ's bags are always the highest quality at the lowest price.
By the way, to answer your original question, if you are looking for the real thing on line, that's also very easy to find. Just Google "Goyard totes". The real brand bags and fakes will pop up.
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