Is everything fake or are some real?

Posted by Cucaracha 15 yrs ago
I often wonder if some brand name items I see in LoWu Commercial Centre in Shenzhen are real. I know of course the majority are fake, but sometimes I get the feeling some are actually the real thing. Is it possible that some items are actually real, like handbags, dresses, etc.?

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tpol 15 yrs ago
Some could be qa rejects?

I've been told that some of the hiking clothes are rejects such as miss spelt brands/words, wrong sizes e.g. XL is M etc and in some case where the zippers are switched. e.g. for men, we usually zip with our right hands, some of the products makes you zip with your left hand so these are considered rejects

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ceeh 15 yrs ago
Most is fake or 'copied' but there are a lot of 'real' items such as handbags, shoes, jackets but the 'real' ones will not be on display. Some are seconds and some are 'original'.

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Shoe Girl 15 yrs ago
I very much doubt whether anything at LoWu is real. Let's face it, real designer bags are only available at their own designer stores, not at LoWu at discount prices.

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kinzie 15 yrs ago
teach yourself how to look for quality - sometimes the retailers make deals with factories who make originals. they either stick on their own label or arrange over-runs. Check workmanship, seams, stray threads, straight stitching, fabric quality and decide for yourself if you think the item you purchase is worth the price.

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Cucaracha 15 yrs ago
Thanks everyone for your great comments. I still have a question of whether a few things I've seen are copies or real. I have a very good eye for what I believe is unquestionably fake, but the problem is that increasingly I feel some of the things I see are actually real. And when I check them against the real thing in Hong Kong, I honestly can't tell the difference.

Example: a certain brand name handbag in HK cost HK$14,000. The fake in LoWu is around HK$780. Honestly, it looks identical to what I know is the real handbag in HK. Both handbags have the same high quality leather and hardware, and the pleats are all exactly in the same place. The LoWu handbag simply has a "real" feel to it. And I'm not talking about those generally awful LV bags in which the copies all look like copies. But there other bags that look so real that it's amazing. I was basically wondering if sometimes the real thing ends up "missing" off the back of the truck and ends up in LoWu.

I also bought a brand named dress about a year ago that was so finely finished both inside and out that I couldn't believe it was a copy. The detail in the finishing was perfect. I was convinced, because of the high craftsmanship, it was an original. I found the dress in a shop where there were many other brand name dresses.

I suppose I would love for someone to tell me the story behind these items. Or perhaps I'll never know. But I will say that going to LoWu used to not be very interesting because it all looked so awful. Today, however, I am just amazed with what I am able to find.

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tpol 15 yrs ago
i have heard that since alot of products (especially clothing) is now produced in Chinese Factories, people steal the products from the factory and offload them to retailers kin Lowu and in HK.

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dasia 15 yrs ago
To cara and shoegirl I say "open your eyes"! You can buy the real thing in LoWu but you will pay more for it - sometimes around $1,000 but that is a lot less than the $14,000 you pair for the same item in the brand's store in HK. And, you have to know where to go to get it.

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Shoe Girl 15 yrs ago
Dasia, I think you are the one who has to open your eyes. You must be delusional if you think that a place like LoWu sells anything but fakes.

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evildeeds 15 yrs ago
If it's Lowu Commercial Centre it's a fake 100%. You can get authentic items in Lowu, but a long way from the Comm Ctr.

I work with factories in China who have a side line in counterfeit products. Years ago it would be relatively easy to spot fakes - looking at fasteners used, stitching, labels, etc, etc. The manufacturing techniques now mean that every single part of any product is reproduced and is essentially the same as the original. That is how good things are in China now and unless you really, really know what you are looking for you will never spot it is a fake.

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Shoe Girl 15 yrs ago
Sorry, I should have specified, when I say LoWu, I'm referring to the 5-storey LoWu Commercial Centre.

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bakfaiyau 15 yrs ago
If you ask for top, top quality you get a handbag which many people can't tell from the original, although only available for a few brands.

The over-runs of actual labels are in "Mother Earth" at Hua Qiang Bei (a kind of hippy style foreigner market). They get say 100 of a certain T shirt in on one day and then sell out. There are also factory seconds and overruns in the garment places near Shekou.

Louhu generally has copies rather than over-runs but they are reluctant to sell the best quality to anyone they don't really know because it is risky. Most visitors can't tell. But if you keep asking and are prepared to sit and wait, they'll bring them to you once they trust you.

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tpol 15 yrs ago
They usually bring you upstairs to a storage room for the good stuff.

But then there could be some kind of danger involved. e.g. Muggings, etc except I have never been in danger but I was very cautious

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punter 15 yrs ago
Even the fake watches (Rolex, Tag, Omega)? How much do you usually have to pay for them?

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susan1234 13 yrs ago
I discovered an attractive new handbag shop numble is 4283 in the 4 floor. ,The boy manages the shop his name called KYLE,very young man.The styles are attractive and nicely displayed. When he show me the SUPPER AAA quality I can't tell it's fake or not.I couldn't believe it was a copy

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riverman 13 yrs ago
Dipper has a very good answer; the line between 'real' and 'fake' is somewhat arbitrary. Exactly what is a 'real' item? You can find name barnd items in LoWu that have every single component genuine, except for the thread, or except for the zipper pull (which might even be original equipment, but off of another model). Or you might find that your $900 'knockoff' of a $20,000 raincoat has absolutely everything authentic, except that fabric doesn't actually have any gore-tex in it so it isn't really waterproof, and there was no way to tell before you bought it.

Look carefully and assume that EVERY SINGLE THING there has some sort of 'defect' that makes it show up there instead of in the brand store. The game is: can you figure out what the flaw is and live with it? I'd buy a golf club that I recognized as being on a fake shaft, then replace the shaft. But I would never buy anything there unless I could spot the flaw...because I might discover what it is later.

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jennyabc168 13 yrs ago
I just returned to Australia after a holiday in Hong Kong with my family. I did a day trip to Shenzhen and hooked up with Kyle. I can say that Kyle made our experience really good. We bought a heap of stuff from his shop and other shops he took us to. The quality of the bags, watches, sunnies, jewelery, clothes and so on, all are very good quality. People back home cannot tell the difference with the bags and the watches look like big dollars spent.Here'kyle address: Shop No.4283, 4th/F,luohu commercial city Shenzhen.His emai is in case you want to make contact with him.

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prettygirl 12 yrs ago
I think replica bags from Guangzhou are much cheaper than Shenzhen.

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