Sick Leave Doctors Notice Required

Posted by Shane 15 yrs ago
Been in HK almost 7 years. Same employer. If employees are sick they must submit an application for leave when returning plus a doctors notice.

I understand this should eliminate fraudsters but years of polite argiung with boss have turned up no changes.

Example: I am adlut with children. They wake up sick, I call school and say they will stay home. I can do that as an adult but employers view is I need doctors note.

If I have diareaha? Why do I need to spend 150-300? waste 1-2 hours just so a doctor can say yes - you have poopy butt.

Is this common practice in HK? I had different answers from friends here - some who own businesses.

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ARK009 15 yrs ago
It pretty much depends on the company and your immediate manager you work for. The one I am working for the last nine years does have this rather silly rule to submit an application for sick leave along with docs cert for one day in the employee's handbook. As it goes, its not really strictly enforced for rather long timers but for relatively new staff say, under five years. But it becomes necessary for more than one.

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Shane 15 yrs ago
Interesting Thank you for the reply. I teach Business here and I discuss this same issue with students. They tend to think as I do it is a waste of managements time and shows overall distrust of employees. They agree a system should be in place to make sure people are careful with sick leave but that can be set in employment contract.

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dannyboy77 15 yrs ago
I expect all my staff to provide a sick note. If your not sick enough that you need to see the doctor you should be in work. If I have a minor condition like diarrhea I take some imodium and go to the office.

I think given the level of malingering in this town doctors should be a lot stricker when issuing sick notes.

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Shane 15 yrs ago
Thanks for reply dannyboy77. I repsectfully disagree with you on sick leave. If businesses expect loyalty from employees and are also willing to let them go with no notice as the company sees fit. That shows no loyalty at all.

Requiring a doctors not for minor illness is actually a hassle for the employee and disrespectful to them as a grown adult. Doctors would love to get rid of silly sick leave patients. I asked mine here in Olympic area. He admitted its easy money for him but gets in the way of real sick people sometimes.

I am an educated professional who is allowed to put 30 kids on a bus in HK and take them outside school. I am trusted with 30 lives but not my own personal health decisions? Seems over manageing to me and all is needed is a talk with employees about 'the honor system'. It worked for me in business in the past. Micro managing people only pushes them away.

As far as drugs are concerned they dont work with me. In my job I cant leave classroom everytime I have a sudden urge. People need a small break now and then. Give them a day off or half day.

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sweetinka 15 yrs ago
Understand ur point of view..

but there're lots of people abusing this and w/o the sick leave note from a doctor, they will simply claim they're sick and off of work..

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JinHK 14 yrs ago
Check out the sick leave provision on the Employment Ordinance. I think it states the employee must provide a certificate from the Doctor. I agree about a Certificare for 1 day being a bit over the top but I know that some businesses do have high incidence of one day sick leave taken.

As usual someone always spoils it for the masses.

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Slammy 14 yrs ago
Hi there,

I work for the government as contract staff (in other words, I'm not a civil servant... but I still work for the government).

I have a crap contract. No medical, no dental, 10 days annual leave in the first year, to increase to a maximum of 14 days annual leave by the third year.

Sick leave - note required even for one day. After three days of continuous sick leave my pay is docked.

Believe me, the government here in HK is not very generous!!

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