Kids and Guns

Posted by Obeah Man 18 yrs ago
Most boys go through that stage. We explained to our son that guns were not appropriate 'toys' as they could still hurt people.

We did not buy him any - we similarly asked friends/relatives not to do so.

We don't make a drama out of it though and he will still sometimes play with his friends' toy guns but soon loses interest.

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zalca 18 yrs ago
i agree that most boys like playing with toy guns. my boys absolutely love anything like that. i think we have to let them be boys and relax a bit. i have never bought toy guns for my kids but they seem to 'aquire' them - god only knows where they come from. anyway- if they have playdates, i don't let them play games like that, i don't let them play gun games on the xbox or anything like that. i think we have to be realistic but we also have to be cautious. let your common sense decide on this one.

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adlib_entertainment 18 yrs ago
well, there could be a way, im not a father or anywhere close to being one..! But what kids like are things like cars. I loved guns (going back to my ounger years) but when i found out that there was something better than guns (cars) i loved cars better than guns... Dont really know whether it will work for your kids, but it definitely worked for me!! Just thought id give you my opinion.

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ness 18 yrs ago
Another hint with boys - my mother noticed that the only time my (then ) 4 and 2 years olds got into play fighting that often ended in tears (mine through frustration of having to listen/watch it) and theirs when it went wrong was when they were wearing their "super hero" outfits - pj' and dress ups that they had been given. It was like they took on a different personality when they wore them... so I got rid of them and that saw a complete reduction in that type of play - it's why good preschools don't have them in the dress up cupboards. I know boys will be boys but there is a balance to be struck and interestingly I often notice a correlation at school (i teach) between the boys (never had a girl bring any weapons in for show and tell)who bring in replica weapons, xgames on fighting, and are obsessed with army tanks/guns etc and their social behaviour and it's not a good one. Possbily this is because this was thir personality from the beginning and they would have always been drawn to these types of things but it is of no benefit to them that I can see and would be best replaced by another exciting action interest with less violence.

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