Wedding present

Posted by hkkm 18 yrs ago
My husband and I have been invited to the wedding dinner of one of his staff. We intend to go (all the people in the department have been invited). Is $500/person still considered an appropriate amount for a present?

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TC 18 yrs ago
About that, but it can also depend on where the banquet is being held. We always give $1000 each so that there's a bit 'extra' after the cost of our seat at the banquet has been deducted.

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Claire 18 yrs ago
Unless he is the boss...

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hkkm 18 yrs ago
Thanks for this info. Past postings on this topic suggested $500, but they were a year or two old. We have never been to a local wedding dinner so no idea what is appropriate. (The only "wedding dinner" I have ever been to was a BBQ in the back yard!)

And yes, he is the boss, but I wouldn't spend HK$2000 on a wedding present for my brother, let alone an acquaintance!

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Katetam 18 yrs ago
$ 500 "lai see" (red packet) is usually for 1 person.... if a couple is going together... then at least $ 1000 HKD. That's the minimum guidelines... for all the weddings I have been to and our friends and relatives expectations.

Close friends, I had to give $ 3000 HKD plus gifts like digital camera, appliances, IKEA gift certificates....

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AYM 18 yrs ago
$500/person has been the standard minimum for over a decade. If the wedding banquet is being held at a hotel, then the cash gift should be more. For hotels like the Marriott, Island Shangri-La, and Conrad, I usually gave $800 to $1,000/person attending the banquet.

Some of our friends recently had a short discussion about this topic, most people agreed that $500 is considered under paid. At least, this is what we thought.

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